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Jack's POV

"-I'm already taken, married, actually to my dear beautiful wife, Martha, who is here with us along with my daughter Emma, and my son Ja-" Suddenly, the room's lights went off, causing everyone to freak, I knew that this was my Que.

I lunged at the mysterious woman the man told me to follow, after that, I charged at her, and she threw me across the room. Wow, she was very skilled.

I saw her looking at my father, she tried running to him, but I grabbed her foot, making her fall. She won't hurt my father!

I stood up, and saw Slade walk to her, smiling at her. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my upper abdomen. It felt as if i had been shot.

I collapsed on the floor my vision blurring, I could felt my grasp of consciousness start to lose. I felt warm liquid oozing out of me.

The woman just stared at me, then she kneeled beside me, I couldn't see her face because of my vision and because it was too dark. All I knew was that she was beautiful.

Her figure was the last this I saw before passing out.


I open my eyes to see my surroundings, I can't see anything very well, the were all...fuzzy.

"He's awake!"

Suddenly, I am enveloped into a hug, I was just enjoying the hug, when a sudden pain ran up my stomach. I immediately pulled away from the hug and cradle my stomach.

A woman, I'm guessing is the nurse, tried to calm me down and gave me a tablet.

"These are his pain killer , he will need to take them every 1 and a half hours." She Hands the pills to my mother, as she leaves.

Both my father and mother look at me with concern.

"Jack, how are you? I knew I shouldn't have brought you all to the convention! It was too risky! Now look what I've gotten you all into! Jack got shot! He could've died!...I'm so sorry son." My father looks down.

"Dad, it wasn't your fault, I knew that your job was risky, I was the one who persuaded for you to take us all there. It's me who should be sorry." My father just stares at me, when he suddenly pulls me into a hug.

"I am sorry son." I hug him back in return. He breaks the hug and looks at me.

"Do you still want to go to school, after all, you are injured." I smile at him, I honestly didn't want to go to school, but I remembered Elsa. I didn't wanna let her down. I knew we still had a project to do.

"Is it alright if I still go to school?"

Elsa's POV

Jack! I couldn't believe it was Jack! Jack freaking Frost. He was working with Slade! Oh no.

What if Slade told him who I am?

What if he saw my face?

What if-

"Elsa, your fath- Mr. Arendelle, wants to see you in his office." Eyal walks towards me.

"Eyal, what are you doing here?" Eyal looks at me with confusion.

"Eyal, this is the girls bathroom." I look at him, annoyed at his stupidity (I still don't know how he joined the CIA) he just looks at me, as a smirk forms in his face, and starts washing his hands.

"I know." He simply states. "By the way, good job back there."He laughs. Laughs at my failure, laughs at the fact I failed to capture Slade.

I groaned and pushed him against the sink and walked out of the door.

"You wanted to see me." I knock on my Dad's office door, even though it was already open. He nods at me. And when I approached him, he did the thing I didn't expect him to do at that time.

He hugged me.

"Um..." He pulls away from the hug and looks at me,.

"Good job, you may have not captured Slade, but we have his-"

"Sir, you appointment is here." Eyal disturbs.

"Elsa, you are to resume school. No question, or buts." My father says leaving me.

"WHAT?!?!?, but father! I just-"

"No buts."


"No. Buts. Go home, school starts early."


"Bye, Elsa, I love you."

Eyal smirks at, me, he probably persuade my dad to make me go to school. Arrogant jerk.

Speaking of arrogant jerk, whatever happened to Jack? Last I saw him he was on an ambulance, being rushed to the hospital.

I guess I'll find out tomorrow, at the school, AKA, my hell hole.

YAS! I'll update the next one soon!
Please COMMENT! It makes me feel very un-lonely(if that's even a word).


High School Ninja: Double life (Jesla)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz