The kiss?

494 17 4

Jack's POV

"You may now begin the exam."

I groan as I flip my test paper, really? Chemistry? After getting shot, this is what I get?

Anyway, I was hoping to see Elsa today, I even sat at the back, because I know Elsa always sits at the back. But she's late! She's never late!
What if she's sick? Or something bad happened to her?

Suddenly the door swung open, revealing...Elsa? She was wearing a red varsity jacket, jeans, and sunglasses?

"Miss, Elsa so nice for you to join us. You're late." Ms. Dubnich says bitterly.

"Sorry, I...traffic." Traffic? Her house is five minutes from here! Something was up. I tried smiling at Elsa, but she avoided my gaze, I couldn't exactly see, since she had sun glasses on.

Elsa lazily walked over the vacant seat next to me, and when she was about to sit, she noticed me, and I of course couldn't resist and gave her my famous smirks.

She just looked at me in disgust and tried sitting in front of the person beside me, Flynn Ryder. The man who stole my stupid girlfriend, I couldn't actually care less, but he's a much bigger jerk than I am.

As Elsa was about to sit, when he pulled the chair making her fall, causing everyone, including me, to laugh. I couldn't help it.

I watched as she stood up casually and walked to Flynn, who was now smirking. He stood up and looked down at Elsa, and smirked at her.

What happened next, I could not believe. Elsa, punched Flynn in the face, which I think she broke his nose,because it was now bleeding.

A bunch of "oos" and "ohs" filled the silenced gap. In a blink of an eye Flynn was now under Elsa, on the floor, as she pulled him into a death choke.

"Ms. Arendelle! Stop! Detention for you!"
Our teacher screams. But Elsa just focuses on Flynn, ignoring her.

I never expected for Elsa's bad side to be this, scary, violent. And the way Flynn started turning different shades of purple, I knew it was bad.

I told the other student to pry Flynn out of Elsa grasp, since I couldn't really do anything, because I have been injured.(duh)

They tried pulling Elsa away from Flynn, it even took 3 guys from the football team to pull Elsa away. And Flynn just layed on the floor motionless.

"Someone call the nurse!"

Elsa just sat back on her chair, as if nothing happened. What just happened?

It was already dismissal, and during our lab time, Elsa just ignored me! I tried talking to her but but she just glared at me!

I even told her that I won't do anything, and that will make her fail this subject, and she just ignored me!

After class, during break I tried talking to her, but she just avoided me! She's been avoiding me the WHOLE day. And this was all very new to me, because I was the one who avoids the flirty women! Not the other way around. Well, Elsa is not flirty, but you get what i mean.

I finally spot her at the library, she finally had her shades off, she was on the table...sleeping?

I walk to her and sat down, making her wake up, she looks at me confused. I notice her eyes, her eyes looked so tired. I wonder what happened to her.

"Are you snubbing me?" I ask her. Hurt evident in my tone.

"No." She simply says, packing her stuff.
Suddenly,and wound starts to hurt again, making me wince, I forgot to take my pain killers. And clean my wound, I was supposed to be at the hospital to get my wound finally stitched up, but, I was too busy looking for Elsa.

"Jack!" She goes to me.

"I have to go....nurse." I say through my gritted teeth, I notice, that my wound opened again, making me lose blood.

"No, the nurse already left," she helped me up, making me lean on her.
"I'll bring to you to my house, it's close, I can close your wound."

"Are you sure? Wait don't you have detention? Aw, skipping detention for me." I laugh, though it was audibly I was in great pain.

"Jack, don't make this hard for me, come on, let's go to your car."

"My car? But isn't your house-"

"My house, Is near, but if we walk, you'd be dead by the time we get there.
"Nice house." We enter her house, it was huge. "Are your parents home?" I wiggle my eyebrows.

"My parents are dead." She spat out colder than her usual coldness.

"I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"Forget it. Alfred! Get me the first aid kit." She walks me to her couch.

"Whose Alfred? Your boyfriend?"

"Remove you shirt." Elsa says firmly.

"Whoa,aren't we moving a little too fast?"

She just glares at me. As I remove my shirt, showing my,(not to brag) 6 pack and my biceps, I was still clutching my wound, which has now turned into a river if blood.

"Impressed?" I ask, when an old man walk to us, handing her a box.

She placed her hand on my stomach, near my wound, making me stiffen. She sits next to me and looks at me with pity.

Next thing I know, I find my self leaning to her, as she does the same thing. I place my hand on her face and she places her hand on my neck. I close my eyes as my lips part, waiting for her kiss. What happened next was mind blowing.

High School Ninja: Double life (Jesla)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن