The cake, cookies, and guest

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Jacks POV

We are kissing! I am kissing Elsa! I can't-

"Mr. Frost, for the last time, your paper."
The teacher asks for my paper. I hadn't notice that I've been day dreaming for one and a half hour. One and a half hour, and still no Elsa.

"Wait, time is up?!?!?!" I scream as I try to answer at least a few more questions, since I had written nothing, because of me day dreaming about Elsa.

But, before I could even write another word, the woman snatched my test paper from me!

I walk out of my classroom as I slam the door. I walk to my locker, and I see a bunch of cute girls waiting for me, I guess it wasn't such a bad day after all.
"Hey Jack!" One of them flirts with me.

"Hey ladies, so, who's buying me lunch?"

Elsa's POV

"Mmh...five more minutes mommy." I groaned.

"Alright sweet heart, but don't sleep too long, you'll be late for school." That was not my mom.

"AAAAGH!" I screamed realizing that there was another person on my bed. Kicking the person off the bed.

"Flyn- Agent Eugene. Um, what a surprise." I sat up, fixing my hair. Yes, Flynn Ryder, the other jerk from school, who also works for the CIA, but he is in a lower department than I am, while I'm a field agent, he's a computer specialist agent. He and I pretty much have the same story.

Both our parents wanted us to have a normal life, while still working for the government. Though we are similar and know each other's real identity, we aren't close.

"Why are you here?" I ask the weird man who was currently hugging my pillow and was about to fall asleep when-


"Wha? Oh, sorry, I got locked out of my house, my dad was in Tahiti. You know, missions, and I realized that I had a fellow agent in my neighbor hood, so I thought, hey, why don't I just stay the night and-"

"You slept here?!?!" Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" Eugene screams as he jumped out of my bed excitedly. I groan as I realized, I missed school, and slept the entire day. Oh well, I'm only human.
I wonder who could be at the door.
Jack's POV
School was finally over, and guess what? NO ELSA! I don't get it! She never skips school. Maybe I should check on her. I'll just say we can work on our project. Yeah! That's a great excuse!

I pull over on her drive way, and wow. Her house.was.big.

I knocked on the door, hoping to see Elsa, and if I was lucky, maybe she's all alone.

The door knob started to to jiggle, and as the door opened, it revealed, the beautiful...Flynn?

What the heck?!?

Flynn, the douche who stole my ex, which I couldn't really care less, was in Elsa, my soon to be girlfriend's house.

I just glared at him, as he awkwardly stood there.

"So..." Flynn spoke.

"Gene, do ya mind if I call ya that? Listen, I tried calling your dad and, oh, hey Jack! JACK?!?!?!" She suddenly slammed the door in my face.

Wow, I guess she missed me.

Elsa's POV
"WHATS HE DOING HERE?!?!?" I screamed whisper, if there is even such a thing.

"Don't look at me, I didn't invite him." Eugene says casually as he took a bite from- GASP, MY CHOCOLATE CAKE EYAL'S GRANDMA BAKED!

"Hey, this is the exact same cake the guy from the agency gives right?I tried becoming friends with Agent, uh, what's his name? Right! The transferee from MOSSAD, Kevin is it? Ya-"

"Eyal." I correct.

"Whatever, his gramma's pastries are to die for! But! He just rejected my offer to be his training buddy. Oh well, he doesn't know what he's missing."

Eugene was about to eat the rest of the cake,luckily I snatched the plate from his hands and swallowed the heavenly pastry. I opened the door, revealing Jack, who was trying to look cute.

"Hey Zack! Wash Hupf" I say, as I chew my delicious cake, I think this cake is the only reason why I haven't killed Eyal.

"Do you mind if I come in? Of course you don't." Jack just barges into my house, making himself home.

"What's he doing here." Jack points at Euge- Flynn, who was eating my-GASP,MY CHOCOLATE COOKIES. I snatched the cookies from his hands and ate everything.

Jack just stares at me...

Talk about awkward.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2015 ⏰

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