Chapter 18 (Town Divided)

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Bella walks in Hans house.

Han: are you gonna do it?

Bella: no, I told you I'm leaving after the candle lighting, Johnathan is worried sick.

Han: but you cant leave us Bella, not now, you of all people should know what its like to be alone, especially in a time like this.

Bella: Han, I know, but me being here isn't good for my health.

Han: so youre gonna leave once again?

Bella: Han, maybe its time you seriously consider moving, I mean especially now that you just got back three million in your lawsuit, you can go anywhere.

Han: this is where i was born, this is where Howard and I were supposed to raise our kids.

Bella: i would never raise Noel and Noah here.

Han: who?

Bella: I'm pregnant Han, with twins, i cant risk losing them trying to be everyones support system, I love you guys beyond life itself, but my unborn children matter so much more.

Han: why didn't you tell me?

Bella: so much was-.

Someone honks their horn outside.

Bella: were you expecting someone?

Han: no, we're you?

Bella: no.

They go outside. The driver door opens and someone steps out.

Bella: Makhail.

Han: you fucking asshole, we have been contacting you for days on fucking end and you show up now, after we lost everything?

Makhail: i have a life Han, a good one.

Two other people get out of the car.

Bella: who are they?

Nia: hi, I'm Nia.

Beckett: and I'm Beckett, Makhails fiancé.

Han: fiancé?

Makhail: don't be shocked, weve been engaged for three years now, so its nothing new, to me at least.

Bella: I'm happy for you, i really am.

Bella hugs Makhail.

Han: im not, we have been needing your help.

Makhail: Han, I have been busy, did you want me to drop my entire life and come to your every need?

Han: yes, do you not know what's been going on here?

Makhail: i saw the news Han.

Han: but did you know they tried to kill Finn?

Makhail: no, it-.

Han: exactly, youve been gone, and all of us have been fucking suffering, and you, you have been sitting at home with your fucking fiancé, I CANT DO THAT!

Beckett: what does this have to do with me?

Nia: whats your point ginger?

Han: who the hell are you talking to?

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