Chapter 23 (Burning Candles)

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Anna: i just finished signing your discharge forms so you should be good to go.

Autumn: thank you, are you coming to the candle lighting tonight?

Anna: as much as i dont want to, I have to, since im partnered with them.

Autumn: we'll be there, you can hang with us.

Anna: i wont stay long, ill give my speech, light my candles then go home.

Makhail: i still need to meet little miss Grace.

Anna: you will eventually, shes at daycare right now.

Makhail: she better be having fun.

Anna: as long as she doesn't realize her father isn't himself right now.

Makhail: well her mother is smart so i wouldn't put nothin past her.

Anna: see yall tonight.

Makhail and the others leave.


Bella: are you guys ready for tonight?

Leslie: yea.

Tariq: no, I'm not looking forward to seeing Han.

Bella: we need to get over our differences.

Tariq: im not getting over nothing, i have been stressed out for a week now, my sisters missing, Rose is missing, and Ivan is dead, im not getting over anything.

Leslie: hes right, he has the right to feel that way, me however, im excited to see everyone, sorry Tariq.

Bella: me too, I hope the event turns out well.

Leslie: i think it will, howre you feeling?

Bella: good.

Leslie: i mean with everything going on.

Bella: nothings going on, everythings been slightly decent lately.

Tariq: Ezra was murdered by Koh.

Bella: i know.

Leslie: if you need to talk we're here.

Bella: and I thank you guys for that but i dont need to grieve him, him and I grew apart, so im fine, condolences to his family though.

Leslie: okay then.

Bella: now, im going to head downtown and start setting up, you guys are more than welcome to come early and help set up.

Leslie: sure thing.

Bella goes outside.

Tariq: shes grieving hard.

Leslie: i know.


Zane: hey, are we still going to the candle lighting tonight?

Benjamin: yea, grams would've went so yea.

Zane: okay, uhm, how was the couch?

Benjamin: uncomfortable but ill get used to it.

Zane: you can always sleep in one of the rooms, theyre always open to you.

Benjamin: I prefer the couch.

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