Chapter 20 (Facing Reality)

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Han cuts his TV on.

Han: lets see what the weathers like today Marsy.

Han rubs Mars head. He turns on the news.

Vera: last night the police station got a disturbing call, we now know the name of the person whom has been terrorizing the New Haven citizens, Koh Smith, formerly known as, Korah.

Han turns his TV off.

Han: Marsy, they know, they fucking know.


Nia: did you know her?

Makhail: not really, but i just cant believe its her.

Nia: well, she killed her so called friend so.

Makhail: she killed Nalo, and sat in my face like we were friends.

Nia: thats what heartless people do.

Beckett: hey Makhail, have you talked to him today?

Makhail: no, hes still asleep.

Beckett: okay, make sure you call him.

Makhail: i will.

Nia: hows he holding up?

Makhail: i mean one of his dads are dead, he never met his mom, and his stepdad and other dad are currently away so, id say hes doing normal.

Nia: I'm being serious Makhail, we both know what its like to lose a father.

Makhail: did they know?

Beckett: who?

Makhail: my friends, did they know who she was?

Beckett: ask them.

Makhail: i dont wanna know the truth though, because if they knew, and never told me.

Nia: i know, hes in a better place now though, and his son is in good hands.

Beckett: my hands being the good hands shes refering to.

Makhail: you hacked the CIA, you are not good hands, and I need to know though, especially Autumn, but I don't know where she is.

Nia: I can go around town and ask about her if you'd like?

Makhail: you don't have to do that Nia.

Nia: but I'm going to, now ill be back.

Nia leaves.


Sybil: rise and shine Korah.

Koh sits up.

Sybil: the world knows who you are now.

Koh: I know.

Sybil: what are you going to do about that?

Koh: theres nothing i can do.

Sybil: you know, if you wouldve just listened and stayed working for me, maybe you would've never ever been caught.

Koh: is that so?

Sybil: yes, all of my little workers keep their real life and their work life separate.

Koh: wheres my dad?

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