Chapter 29 ( The Day Will Come)

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Rohan: surprised?

Makhail: I thought you were dead.

Rohan: you know everyone else though that, hell, Han was so shocked.


He shakes the cell.

Rohan: calm down Incredible Hulk.

Leslie: but why?

Rohan: I mean you guys already know he tried to fucking kill me so let's acknowledge that first.

Makhail: but why us?

Rohan: simple, you all decided to fuck with Han after he tried to kill me, then you Makhail, you told my brother not to kill him, which he should have, given he thought I was dead.

Leslie: Zane knew you were alive?

Rohan: no, he'd go crazy knowing I've been alive this whole time.

Makhail: Rohan, you can't do this to us, we thought you were dead.

Rohan: you know, I was there when Han left you to die in a car, I was the one that dragged you out, nobody else came to your defense, me, because I knew you would have died if it wasn't for me, I was there when Rue had no other choice but to help them, she tried to help you guys every chance she got-.


Rohan: Rue and I cared about you guys so much.

Nia: you don't even know me-.

Rohan: then I'm not fucking talking to you.

Makhail: what did Tariq and Emma do?

Rohan: oh nothing, I just wanted some leverage, some insurance that most of you will die.

Emma: please just let out kids out of here, they don't deserve this.

Rohan: who, those bastard children?

Tariq stands up.

Tariq: don't you fucking talk about Rose that way, I raised this little girl all by my damn self.

Rohan: I don't give a fuck about what you did.

Rose: uncle Tariq I'm scared.

Rohan: you aught to be, because you're going to fucking die.

Makhail: you're a punk Rohan, threatening and killing kids, when I'm right here, unlock this cell and let's get a fair one in.

Rohan: if I open this cell, then the mercenaries will have no choice but to kill all of you, do you want that?

Finn: kill me, do whatever.

Rohan: damn, you remind me so much of your brother, you kinda make me regret killing him, I'm just kidding, fuck you and your brother bitch.


Finn shakes the cell again.

Makhail: Rohan please don't do this.

Rohan: you all take care down here, i have some things I need to handle upstairs, maybe I'll see you guys before the storm, maybe not.

Rohan starts going up the stairs.

Makhail: he won't leave us.

Rohan opens the door. Then he closes it and locks it. He walks over to Thomas.

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