Chapter 22 (Leviticus 26:31)

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Anna walks in Bella's room. She sits down in the chair.

Anna: you could've told me you were pregnant.

Bella: it wasn't that important, and there was no point, you were mad.

Anna: had I had known I wouldn't have been so hard on you.

Bella: I deserve it, I should've told you Charles was here, now we're all sitting in the hospital.

Anna: yea, everyone's here.

Bella: everyone?

Anna: Han brought Finn in, he's starting to wake up.

Bella: that's good.

Anna: you know motherhood is hard, you'll wanna do everything for your little baby.

Bella: they'll both get the best treatment.

Anna: you're having twins?

Bella: fortunately, so after this I am done.

Anna: what's their genders?

Bella: boy and a girl, they'll be named Noel, and Noah.

Anna: that's so beautiful, I'm so happy for you, and if you need any help with them or anything along this pregnancy please come to me, I know a little bit, but I'm still learning.

Bella: I will, play dates will be made.

Leslie walks into Finns room.

Leslie: hi.

Han: hi.

Leslie: how are you?

Han: Im okay, I just want him to wake up, that's all.

Leslie: I'm sure he'll wake up soon.

Han: yea.

Leslie: I'm sorry all of this happened.

Han: its not your fault.

Leslie: i know, but so much has gone on in the past 24 hours.

Han: I just want Finn to wake up.

Leslie: i know.

Han: whyd you come back?

Leslie: just to visit.

Han: Makhail didn't want to come back.

Leslie: i heard.

Han: he doesn't care about me anymore, and according to him, nobody has been there for him.

Leslie: we havent been there for ourselves.

Han: so you agree with him?

Leslie: Han, we all stopped talking to each other, its not just you, I haven't spoken to Bella since I left, i haven't spoken to you in months, same with Makhail, nobody has been keeping in contact, because if we had been, everything would be okay right now.

Han: we called Makhail, we tried to contact him, we tried getting his help and he ignored us.

Leslie: Han, he cant come on demand.

Han: get out.

Leslie: Han.

Han: i said get out.

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