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I still stood webbed to the lab floor as Ned and Mj paced nervously.

"I can't believe he did that." I grumble, looking down at my hands.

"Kind've funny though." Mj says, a smirk on her lips.

"Not funny." I say, trying to pull my hands apart.

"Guys," Ned says from the opposite side of the room. "you may wanna come see this!"

Mj walks over to Ned, as I still stay frozen in place.

"Have you forgotten I still can't move?" I call out, still struggling to break free.

"Shoot, yeah." Ned says, looking around the lab. He picks up a vial and walks over to me. "Stay still, I don't want this getting on your skin." He says, pouring the vials contents over the webs that were holding me captive.

Instantly, the webs begin to dissolve around me, like melted styrofoam. "Woah..." I say, pulling my hands apart.

"One more minute." Ned says, pouring the liquid over my feet so I could walk again.

"What is that?" I ask.

"Something Peter came up with." Ned replies. "Good thing he did too, those webs naturally dissolve in two hours."

"Thank you, Peter." I mumble, walking over to Mj, who was watching Ned's phone.

It was a livestream of J. Jonah Jameson's show.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Bugle tip
line has just received a call from none other than the fugitive known as Spider-Man!" His voice booms. "Fresh from his rampage in Queens. So Peter Parker. What pernicious propaganda are you peddling?"

The screen shows Peter, on a live call. It's hard to tell where he is, only the night sky in the background.

"Just the truth." Peter replies under his mask.

Jameson rolls his eyes. "Oh sure."

"The truth is... that this is all my fault." Peter admits. "I accidentally brought those dangerous people here."

Jameson laughs. "Well, he admits it!"

Mj, Ned, and I are glued to the screen. I can only imagine we were silently praying for the same thing; Peter's safety.

"And if those people are watching...just know that I really did try to help you. I mean, I could have killed you--" Peter holds up the box. "-At any given moment. But I didn't. Because my Aunt May taught me that everyone deserves a second chance. And that's why I'm here."

"Oh my God..." I say in realization.

"And where is "here" exactly?" Jameson questions.

"A place that represents second chances." Peter says.

"He's on the Statue of Liberty." I say.

"The Statue of Liberty?! Good God, folks, he's about to destroy another national landmark!" Jameson accuses.

"God, this guy doesn't shut up, does he?" Mj questions.

"Doesn't seem like it." Ned agrees.

"But world, if you're watching--" Peter starts, but is cut off by Jameson.

"Believe me, the world is watching."

"Wish me luck. Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man could really use some." Peter says, before ending the call.

"Alright, let's go." I say, grabbing my things.

"Peter wanted us to stay here." Ned protests.

"I know." I say. "But I'm not okay with my best friend walking into certain death alone."

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