15 (The Letter)

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My Makayla,

I don't know if you'll ever get the chance to read this, but God I hope someday you will come back. It has been 4 1/2 years since you've been gone. I have stopped treatment, hence why I am even writing this. I hope that if you do come back, this will answer a few of your questions.

I have missed you terribly. You were my reason to fight, without you, I am nothing. I have no reason to stay here anymore. I have stopped treatment, because maybe when I pass on, I'll go to the place you are, wherever that might be. I have searched every possible way to bring you back. I need you to know, I never stopped looking.

Makayla, what I am going to tell you may come as a shock. But I want you to know, this doesn't change anything, you are still my daughter.

If you were here, you'd be 21, though you were only 17 when you left me. Time works in mysterious ways. I wonder if you come back, will you still be 17?

21 years ago, your mother and I were expecting a child. A baby girl, just like you. She was beautiful, just like you. My baby.

The world is a cruel place, Makayla. Our baby became violently ill, we were told her illness was incurable and all we could do was wait. Our two month old baby, forsaken by God, was going to die before her life began.

I searched for every possible way to save her, with no avail. She died, right in my arms. At that moment, I vowed to make it right, whatever the cost. I searched and searched and searched for a way to bring my daughter back, when I found something; quantum jumping.

I looked into alternate universes. It was just a theory, yes, but that is all a theory is until it was proven. I wanted to prove it. I knew there was a universe out there where my baby was healthy, where you were alive. So I began diving into this idea, working myself near to death to find a way to bring you back to us.

I found it. I found out how to get you back. So I did, I jumped realities. I brought you back. I took you away from myself. He didn't know who I was though, I dressed as a robber. I didn't want anything else to change.

It was selfish of me to do that. I knew what it was like to lose a child, yet I took you anyways. You are not from this universe, Makayla. I fear that one day my actions will have their consequences and you will be the one to suffer.

I don't regret what I did, because I got my daughter back. You are still my baby, Makayla. You always have and always will be. My love for you is like no other, I would do anything to keep you safe.

Your mother loved you. We all loved you. You were the best thing that ever happened to us, Makayla. We fought so hard to get you back, but now you're gone again. I hope someday you'll return. You had such a bright future in front of you. You are so strong, my dear. Please, never forget that.

All my love,


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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