two worlds collide

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This is not exactly canon from the game because I feel creative

Normally people in dont wake up in a strange room surrounded by a bunch of people after going to sleep in their beds. Weirdly enough this is not the first time this happened but last time I ended up well.. hell so I wonder what it is this time. I sat up as the people around me backed up. "Hi?" I asked as I got up and looked around me. "Hello it's wonderful to me you" a man stepped up form in between the bunch "I'm crowley the headmaster of this school". A School...again? I thought as I took in everything around me I mean it did look like a school but were?.

"Excuse me where am I, like what school is this?" I asked "well you're in Twisted Wonderland and as for the name of the school this is Night Raven College." Night raven College? I have never heard of this place. "So how did I get here if I may ask?" "Well here at Night Raven College we are a magical school and it just so happens that our magic mirror chooses you" the headmaster said happily. god this is going to be more troublesome than I thought... " A magic mirror chose me..? But i don't do magic or know magic "" you don't know magic?" " exactly sir I'm not a magical student i'm just an ordinary student" headmaster crowley looked up to the mirror in confusion and then the mirror spoke which if I'm honest that kinda caught me of guard a bit "it appears it's true this young child is speaking the truth" the student had a mixed of a shocked and confused face.

"So they don't have any magic?" Ask a student " yes that is the correct young one" " in what dorm would they be staying in?' "Ramshackle" responded that mirror " Ramshackle!?" thought most of the students. The headmaster looked content in a way. I was still somewhat confused but from the looks of it ramshackle is not a common dorm to be in or was it a bad thing.

TIME SKIP a month has passed (the meet grimm and everyone)

I'm still not over how ramshackle look. I thought it would be a shack by the name if it wasn't a mansion . It was really broken down but I think that I can fix it up a bit I think. Everything has been chill on a count of well all the overboots I had to deal with, why not tell me these things could happen? Other than that it's been alright I guess. Oh right the ghost that live here I somehow mange to forget them all the time they are quite nice and calm and then there is grim that little raccoon fuck that eat anything and everything he sees hes all right this place is alot better than the devildom. although i miss them all funny enough some of the people her remind of me them like riddle reminds me a bit of satan and lucifer or how vil and carter have share some traits with asmo and idia is levi but let aggressive and well ace and deuce are just like mammon little things that remind me of them. apart from that i still have the pact marks i wonder if i could still summon them. " Could I? Would it even work? How would they go back?" I said as I walked in circles in me the ramshackle living room grim was asleep in one of the sofas and didn't seem to care that I was making noise.

Fuck it i ran up the stairs to my room and to try and figure out who to bring. Alright them I got it I know who to call "I call upon the avatar of envy leviathan show yourself" the pact mark on my left shoulder started to spread and glow a in a orange color a symbol like the pact mark appeared on my floor oh gods it's actually working I thought as I watch how the leviathan appeared from the mark on the floor once he appeared he had his eyes closed and look irritated " who are you and what do you want" he said with his eyes still closed " oh my is that anyway to talk to a friend" leviathan opened his " oh my diavolo yuu is that you? OH MY DIA IT IS" he ran up to me and hugged me really tight "oh dear levi sweetheart you're going to squeeze me to death". " Oh so sorry yuu but i haven't seen to or heard from you in so long that I thought you forgot about us..." he said looking away from me and onto the ground ' leviathan dear I would never forget you guys i'm not sure why I waited too so long to contact you I guess i just thought it wouldn't work'' levi understood since I only summoned them once or twice " yeah i get it i'm just glad you call me, so this is your house?" he looked around taking in the room we were in. "In a way but not really" he turned around to look at me " how so?"

I looked down avoiding eye contact "well let's just say i'm in the similar situation that in the devildom'' levi tilted his head a bit "really?" " yup just that i'm not really an exchange student and more like a magic mirror choose me this place is just like disney but you know real life". "Disney?" he replied even more confused so I had to sit him down to explain everything, how Night raven collage works and how i'm pretty sure summoning demons counts as magic here and the overblots levi was somewhat interested even more now *KNOCK KNOCK* "YUU ARE YOU HOME" someone yelled from the front door. " ACE dude stop yelling i'm pretty sure the Prefect can hear so can the rest of school" oh gods no not now "who is that?" ask levi " some friends of mine stay here" I got up and ran and walk out to of the room and then ran down the stair to find grim still asleep somehow after standing there and questioning grims entire existence I opened the door

Only to find the two idiots arguing with each other it took them a second to realize I had opened the door. "Everything ok here?" Ace spoke first " oh hey yuu do you mind if we hide here for a while please" deuce look somewhat quilt now that they aren't fighting "what did yall do now?" "In my defense it was a fault" deuce said " I asked what yall did not who did it now go on tell me or you guys are staying outside" "ALRIGHT alright!" Ace yelled " fine I'll tell you so me and deuce where at our dorm and well we were pranking each other and well riddle fell into my trap and he is really mad please let us hide here." Sometimes these two disappoint me so much but I guess I'm not surprised at all. " fine you can hide here for as long as you need" OH thank you prefect thank you" ace hugged me and ran in side along with deuce who also thanked me this going to be a long day.

Have a good day my loves sorry i have been writing at all so here i hope you guys like this story and if ill make more but I'll take a while

Word count 1268

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