two worlds collide part 8

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Once they finished setting up their room the three first years walked in smiling, each happy that they didn't have to share a room with anyone. They all seemed really happy with that. Little by little they came out of their rooms after finishing them up. “Hey yuu thank you for letting us stay here. '' Epel said coming into the kitchen “yeah no problem kid” I replied. Epel sat down on one of the chairs in the kitchen. Ace and deuce later walked out arguing about how their rooms are connected by this one door. “Yuu did you know that our dorm are connected?” they asked to take a seat next to epel “the hell…? No I didn't, which is weird. I thought I checked every room” I said now curious if I missed anything else “alright so now I have a chore for you guys'' I said turning around with  food. “Aww yuu a chore already?” Ace whined “it is not that hard, all you have to do  is run around and be curious and look into the room and if you find anything you tell me i'll be doing the same '' I said smiling. They had started eating at that point and they looked at each other for a second “alright we’ll do it” deuce said “great you guys finish your meal and then you can help me” they nodded and continued eating.

“hey yuu I found something in here” ace called out from this one door that was a to the end of the hall. I walked over to said room “what weird thing?” I said looking around the room “this one” said ace pointing down at the floor. There was a small blue carpet which wasn’t out of the ordinary. This place had some parts with carpet and some with little blue carpets like trying to disguise that it was missing. “What's so weird about it?” I ask looking at him. Ace lifted the carpet which opened a small trap door “oh that new”. Epel and deuce had just walked in “why is there a hole on the floor?” epel asked looking at the small compartment deuce looked at him “epel it's not just a hole it could be a basement” ace left the little door open and stood up “It could, but there is another door that leads to the basement” I said not taking my eyes off the little door.

“Alright then i'll go down there and if there is a problem i'll yell something” I said walking to said door  “wait what” ace said as I lowered myself in the door if something happens I’ll yell don't worry, epel toss me the flashlight?” Ace was somewhat worried but I'm a dazai kinnie and I'm not afraid to die. Epel tossed me the flashlight “here you go dude” I caught it and continued to check out what was inside. So far it was rather dark and there was nothing but some clothing and a swords and a flute(mdzs refrence)? It was really weird down here. I was about as big as the whole ramshackle dorm and It was below the basement or was this the first basement the other thing was just a smaller basement. I continued so walked around and as I walked i started to hear a noise with every step I took *crunch* what the *crunch* I looked down and this place a riddled with rocks? Stones? I picked out up see what it was, a blot stone? Why are there so many down here. I continued walking only to here “HEY YUU IS EVERYTHING OK!?” I looked up it was ace yelling “YES ACE IM OK” shouted back and walked on. The blot stone was starting to pile up into little small piles. I had made it very far from how much I walked. I could be almost at the front door of the ramshackle.

And there it was a huge blot monster asleep just laying there. Oh fuck now what i thought as I walked away trying not make much sound, gosh this thing was down here when I shouted back at ace. That would have been a painful way to die…I think.I started walking back faster I had gotten pretty far when the blot monster moved. The movement of this big ass monster made the whole place shake and then I ran I didn’t want to stick around and find out if that thing was awake or not. As I ran for dear life I got to the damn door that started this whole thing and got out as fast as I could. “wow yuu are you ok? why are so pale? Why did the whole place shake?” deuce asked as he helped me get out “holy shit this place is basically being held up by a blot monster” I said still worried “WHAT????” yelled the first years. “Don’t yell to much the ghost don’t like that omg….is that why they don’t like loud noises?” I said as got up fully since I was sitting on the floor. I walked through ramshackle to where the ghost normally hangs around. “Why didn’t you guys tell me that this whole place is being held up by a huge sleeping blot monster?” I asked wanting to yell “oh dear did you find out already” said one of the ghost coming down with the others “Well we didn’t think is was necessary for you to know child, plus its being sleeping for a long time I don't think it will wake anytime soon” said another ghost I was pissed when I heard this and then I thought of something “does the headmaster know about this?” I asked looking down “we believe so” answered the ghost. “Thanks i’ll be on my way”

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