two worlds collide part 6

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Yuken gave me her phone and crossed her arms since it had a face ID. I unlocked it only to find an audio that read [The night yuu left] “what a lovely name for a second don't you think yuken?”. I asked her with a smile and she tried to continue with her lie that it was just a song request. God at least knows that you have been caught with a lie. I clicked the audio and listened to it , yup it was all the screaming arguing the night i left all the things you can hear breaking because mom likes to throw things. Gosh I knew yuken wouldn’t change a process to delete the audio and i was going to give her phone back but I thought it was too easy so I looked through her phone. There was nothing more that had to deal with that night. I gave her the phone back and she took it while dropping the smile she had.

I walked back to Vil he was waiting for me “everything ok?” he asked “yeah everything is fine now” danced for a bit more and walked to the table we had made for the dorm leader's most of them were already there. “Where are the rsa kids?” ask azul hiding her face with his hat “azul they are on the other side of the ball room and it looks like they are eating so we should be good for a while” riddle respond “oh thank the seven i don't think i would be able to deal with princy over there” wow he really hates that guy because he doesn’t even get tired of ace and deuce being idiots. “Well it will be over after today so we should just deal with it till the end” I said I looked around for a second “where is leona?”. Where did this lion go? Just then i felt a tug on my dress and when I looked around to see what pulled it “leona get out from under there” I said this asshole was hiding under the table. Get got up and sat down next to azul “listen That girl Naruis over their is a great friend of the family and I can’t stand her” he said “I get it leona but you are grown ass hell dude you can’t hide under tables like a little kid anymore.” I responded he looked somewhat offended just as we talked yuken and neige started to walk over here.

I will use spanish with in this part on because you know yuu and yuken are hispanic like me so yeah I will translate

We both hit the deck and went under the table signaling then to not mention us. “Hello excuse me, are Yuu and Vil here” yuken asked Azul with neige by her side. “Azul looked down with just his eyes and back up. “no I think they left I’m pretty sure their um you know busy” did he just oh this mother fucker really just. yuken got what he ment and told neige to just go back the their table. We both came from under the table “azul hijo de puta(son of a bitch) what is wrong with you” I said. Azul chuckeld “what you didn’t say how you wanted me to get rid of them” I was red from emmbarasment “you did have to tell them like that pendejo (idiot) now they think that me and Vil are fucking” azul stretched up a bit “come on you guy might as well fuck its obioves that you both like each other” this man was going to make me end up in jail gosh.

“What happened to not hiding under tables like small children?” Leona said, taunting me more. “Fuck you leona” I said looking away at the table where the brother were and at the first years (So crowley is a bitch and didn’t put yuu as a first year mf throw us in second year status) “im glad they are at least having fun don’t you guys think”. The other dorm head looked around as well, smiling at the sight of the first years having fun and messing around and at the brothers talking more with each other without fighting. They all agreed “yeah it's nice to see them all happy” said riddle who was watching as ace and deuce talked and messed with each other. We all continued to smile as we watched and then all of our happiness was gone once it was turn to see the RSA kids.

We looked at their table and they were not smiling like they usually do which was odd and it was weird for Vil to see neige frowning “what up with them?” asked azul. “I’m not sure something is wrong” I answered at one point they turned to look at us and yuken was stairing dead at me began to cry “oh the fuck?” i said “is she crying?”. “Oh, yeah she is crying something isn’t right” azul said looking over me. Crying? Why is she crying? Man I looked at Ace and signaled him to come over. “What yuu?” he asked “ace do me a favor and go ask why yuken is crying you know the girl that is identical to me but with longer hair” he looked over to the table “alright then” and so he left to see. “Hi I know you guys don't know me but I wanted to know if anything is ok?’ Ace asked they looked at him and told him that yuken was having a bad day. Ace came back and told us what they told him that yuken was having a bad day. Which to me was odd since she was happy as hell earlier today. Normally she does this when things don’t go her way, like she won’t get what she wants she cries says she had a bad day so they give her what she wants and she stops the tears.

Gosh she irritates me so much. She used to do this so much with our parents she annoys me. Ace was still standing around. “It's fine, Ace, you can go back, sorry to bother you with it” I said and Ace left “Let her cry it she does this all the time I don’t know why I even cared” we turned back to what we were doing. In a few hours this ball will be over and we can leave this whole thing. I look at the flyers that we put out to remind myself of the time this whole thing ended at 8:24 “hey azul do you know what time it is?” he looked at me and then at his phone “it's 7:10 why?”. “ Do you think we are allowed to leave early? Because I remember that Crowley said he wanted us to leave last so we can clean '' I asked. “ Actually we should all leave, we can clean tomorrow when we're aren’t mad or dead tired.

So we all left each we left someone in charge and gave out or phone number to each in charge

Riddle = trey
Vil = rook
Azul = the twins but mostly jade
Idia = leviathan
Leona = ruggie
Mallues = lilia
Kalim = jamil (as always and he only left because he was very tired and mallues had to carry him
Me = lucifer

The only reason I left lucifer in charge is because belphie was probably asleep and beel was eating so there is nothing else that could catch his attention. Once we all had someone that we trusted we got our stuff and left to ramshackle. Why? Well because we need peace and quiet and because we know that no one is going to end up sleeping at their dorm. So we need to unwind and we did we all talked for what we thought was hours we vented to each other. At one point some of us cried and hugged I think we all got closer. We watched tv and we let idia pick and anime for us to watch and we watched assisination classroom and we all once again cried about the ending (no spoilers). leona fell asleep first then azul, riddle,Vil, then mallues along with kalim and then idia I was the last to sleep we fell asleep in the living room on the sofa and the floor with some blanket and pillows I got form up stairs. It was nice for us to hangout like this you know, without having do look over a dorm.

The next morning

We all woke up to the sound of loud knocking and yelling “Dorm leader! Dorm leader!” it was the first years I got in a hurry to see what was happening. I opened the door and all the first years fell in “wow, wow! Kids is everything ok?” I asked and got up “Oh thank the seven perfect the RSA student haven’t left yet and they are with crowley and want you guys there” they haven’t left why? I thought Yuken was gone again. “Alright we’ll go get ready” I turned to the living room and woke up leona lazy ass and told the our dear headmaster wanted to see us. Each and everyone got up and went to their dorm. We all met up near the door to Crowley's office and walked in together. “Everything ok crowley/headmaster?” we ask he look up at us from his phone. The damn bird is never doing his job “oh dorm leader thank you for coming here in such short notice” yeah no kidding “but there has been a problem with the ride for the RSA student so we need someone to take them with in one of your cars” we all looked at each other “now crowley why don’t you send a teacher to do that like you know an adult…” I said while a few nodded. “Well they are very busy people and I don’t want to cause then trouble” he said “they told that they it was job to do it…didn’t they” crowley looked away “yeah they did”

“Fine but I expect you to pay me for gas (yuu is 17 so they can legally drive -they a permit- with an adult around )(leona) so we all got in a car and arranged a way of travel, we all texted some to tell them where we were going.

Vil’s car - yuken , rielle  Idia
My car- herkot , jazsmin, kalim
Leona’s car - niege and alison ,Malleus
Azul’s car  - naruis ,elliot, Riddle
We all got into the cars and with map on our side we head off. My car was calm since kalim was tired so he fell asleep and jazsmin is rather quiet and hektor was quiet due to jazsmin glaring at him everytime he almost woke up kalim. Vil’s car was Yuken trying to talk to vil the whole time and rielle asking him about azul while idia put on headphones and ignored everyone. Leona’s car was neige and alison was talking about how cool it was to see NRC and how it was not what they expected while Mallues just looked out the window. Azul’s car was also calm. Elliot was crocheting in the back and narius was just on her phone and Riddle was pretty much asleep. The little trip to RSA was going alright for some of us and when we got there we opened the door for them and they left. Yuken blew me and vil a kiss which annoyed me at the moment but as much as what she did after that.

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