two worlds collide part 2

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They dashed to my room and for a moment i forgot that leviathan was there but i was quickly reminded by "OH SHIT who are you!?" ace who can't seem to learn to stop yelling. I guess that was what finally woke up grim because he jumped up and exactly how you imagine a cat jumping when scared. "What was that?" he asked from the top of my now scratched up sofa "it just seems that the audience duo found my friend..." gosh this is going to be fun to explain. I ran up stairs to see Ace hiding behind deuce who was trying not to laugh at this show. "Jeez ace don't yell dude '' Ace looked back at me "DON'T YELL!? Yuu explain why there is an unknown man in your room." he said pointing at leviathan "first off stop fucking yelling your going to piss of the ghost they don't like loud noises and two that is not an unknown man that is one of my best friends." ace and deuce looked kinda offended by that last statement but didn't say anything about other than the extra dramatic gasp they both let out. "Oh gods don't start with that now guys just go hide" I said rolling my eyes. "Fine we'll go hide '' as they both went into my closet. Levi just kinda sat there throughout this whole thing "what are they hiding form?" he said looking over form my bed

"Those are ace and deuce they are like mammon two last brain cells fighting for third place" "HEY" ace yelled still hiding in the closet "you know and they pissed of their dorm leader so its like making lucifer mad and that is why they are hiding" ace flipped me off form the closet. " yeah fuck you too ace just hide riddle will be here soon considering that you both always come here" ace but his hand back in the closet and stayed quite and like magic *KNOCK KNOCK* "PERFECT" I went to the window near my bed and peaked out "yeah that's riddle alright". *KNOCK KNOCK* "YUU I'M SERIOUS" I sighed

"why does everyone here yells so much levi dear stay here please "i'll be right back and you two better not make a sound understood" I said as I walked to the door once again going down the stairs maybe I should taken a room down stairs once I got to the front door riddle still yelling and red due to his anger ask me "WHERE ARE THEY' I backed up a bit he may be small but he scares me "riddle cool of first please remember that this much anger is not good for you man your going to bust a blood vessel come inside and sit down" he looked at me and walked inside

" Fine, I'll calm down, '' he said, sitting down. "Great, now would you like some tea so that we can talk about what happened.... Even though I probably know what happened" he looked up and smiled "that would lovely yuu". I put water to boil once it was boiling I did riddle tea just like trey taught me to. "Here honey' i gave riddle his tea and sat down near him "so what did those idiots do now" I said looking at riddle who was taking a sip of his tea "They played a prank on me yuu" "well what kind of prank?" I asked " they put a water bucket over a door so when I opened it it fell on me" gods these are going to kill riddle one day i swear " oh gods well are you ok like did the bucket hurt your head." "Not really but it just made me really mad" he continued to drink his tea "ok how do you feel now" "a bit more calm thank you" riddle said getting up "leaving already" I replied "Yeah, by the way I know Ace and deuce are here but I'll let it slide for today."

Riddle left and I yelled for Ace and Deuce "HEY YOU GUYS HE'S GONE" both of them came down stairs followed by levi I had the plan to spend most of the day with him but no I can't have peace in this god forsaken place "what did he say perfect?" "yeah what did he say?" the two looked at me "Well he knew that you guys where here but he said he'll let it slide, so you guys are of the hook" they looked at each other and hugged each other "oh thank the sevens" " yeah well of you guys go" I said " yeah don't worry about perfect we'll be on our way thanks again" they left. leaving me and leviathan in the living room "this is what your life here is like here?" he said looking down at me (keep in mind that mf is 6 foot) " yeah that's my daily life so you wanna actually hang out now I have minecraft" I said with a smile "sure but thats all you have here" he asked "I can watch animes here too but they are a bit different

Thanks for reading this you guys love you all take care plz and drink water and don't forget to eat

883 words in total

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