two worlds collide part 7

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She ran back to Vil’s car and gave him a kiss on the cheek.This bitch is trying me . Vil's reaction was to get a wipe and clean his cheek which made laugh a bit. Most of us switched cars so the new arrangement was

My car- malleus 
Vil’s car- riddle
Leona’s car - idia
Azul’ car - kalim

The only reason we had switched was because some didn’t get along and others were now fully awake and too loud. Azul knew how to deal with loud people since he had the twins. Riddle needed someone sane to drive with him or at least someone who had a similar mindset as him. Leona doesn’t like anyone but Idia is very quiet and Leona doesn’t mind him. The ride back was better than when we were heading to RSA. It was calm.


We got out of the cars and went to our dorms to see if they were still standing. Especially riddle. We waved and ran to our dorms. Riddle got to his dorm and found it all nice and clean and the first years were sitting there down on the floor watching a baby sensory video. They were very quiet and calm cater was sitting down on the floor near them reading a magazine. Trey was in the kitchen cooking and cleaning up. He took a mental note of the videos and magazines he went to trey and gave him a hug. That caught off guard “oh riddle welcome back” Trey said with a smile hugging Riddle bacK “Trey you are genius and I absolutely adore you” Riddle said letting go “thanks..?” trey responded. Once vil arrived at his dorm epel was sitting down doing his homework with a face mask on that rook made him wear. The dorm was fine and rook was nowhere to be found like usal vil went up to epel to check on him. He looked over at him “hey epel dear did rook tell you where he was going?” vil asked. Epel looked up from his homework with tears in his eyes “no he didn’t “ he answered. Vil was concerned “why are you crying dear?”. “This homework is hard and I just can’t do it” he said on the verge of tears. “Alright i'll help you epel” vil said feeling somewhat bad for his first year “thank you dorm leader thank you”.

Mallues went to make sure that lilia didn’t cook anything for anyone and unfortunately he didn’t make it in time and well sebek and silver didn’t really have a choice. Sebek was feeling sick but didn’t lilia unlike silver who just fell asleep to not eat his food. Lilia offered mallues some food but he declined and Lilia once again disappeared. Mallues went directly to sebek to check on him since he knows that he can’t really say no to lilia.

Kalim went back to his dorm relaxed because he knew Jamil was in charge and it was just fine.Idia was also perfectly fine since ortho handled everything. The same thing was with leona since he normally sleeps most of the time. Azul went back to his in somewhat of a hurry he had left the twins in charge, now that too bad but that means that jade is most likely cooking which means there are mushrooms everywhere by now. He got there and just as he thought jade was cooking and floyd looked high as hell. “Jade get out of my kitchen at once!” Azul yelled and jade got out with food in his hands that had some kind of mushrooms.

I got there to find a door broken of the frame . “Oh what hell!?” I questioned as I looked at it “BEEL…BELPHIE…LUCIFER '' I yelled. mad since I had fixed most of this place and I'm gone for like 2 or 3 hours and now a door is broken. Lucifer came out of a room to see me standing there mad “you want to tell me something luci?” he looked at the door than at me “it was my fault belphie and me were arguing and I slammed the door and it came of the frame” these mother fucker never read the rules “lucifer there are rules to this place and t right there on the wall” I said pointing to the rules on the wall in big ass wrting he looked at them “sorry yuu” he said looking down “you are going to fix my door like right now or im kicking your ass lucifer”. “ that's fair” he answered, “Alright then get to it” I said walking to beel and belphie’s room. I knocked on the door “come in '' I poked my head into the room “so if everything is ok in here? Nothing falling apart?” I asked belphie and Lucifer had been fight and those two will throw things at each other. “Nope everything is fine'' beel answered “so how is belphie?” I asked, looking at a belphie who was asleep. “He’s fine still mad at lucifer but he’s ok” 

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