Chapter 10

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Hahaha I fixed it im so fucking smart hahahhahaha alright i done here have yall Chapter. 11 is still in progress but yeah its should he out soon bye bye now till next time

Words 2098

Out the door and to class everyone was so tired so today so it was an easy day not much was going to be down to begin with. Weird enough there was no shaking it was rather calm it was still early so anything can happen. Me and Vil had little to no classes together so I spent most of the time with the first years who always asked about my crush and who it was. I never told them I was now dating them. “Come on YUuuu just a hint please I want to know who it is!” Ace whined as he clinged on to me  “Ace it's none of your business dude” I said pushing him off. Deuce also did the same asking if he knew the epel knew everything since he ovehear me and Vil talking. “Please Yuu if we want to know” they continued to cling on to me. Azul joined us after a while “and he saw them clinging onto me like two small kids who want to get their mom's attention. “So what's going on here?” Azul asked, almost laughing at the sight of this “it's nothing much Azul don’t worry about it, they are just being weird” I said smiling at him and hitting Ace on his head. He looked up at me and pouted “Yuu please we won’t tell anyone about your crush” he continued “oh so it's a crush?” Azul said, extremely happy. Ace got up “ yeah we know its a dorm leader but we don't’ know exactly who all we knew it's not riddle” 

“So on one of us huh” azul said “oh don’t get so cocky it sure as shit not you so chill out” I said annoyed since now azul out of all people knows that man is going to find out anytime soon. Vil and I haven’t told anyone anything about us because well he is really famous and if his fans hear about me they will go nuts. I pulled Azul aside “hey I know that eventually you will find you out, so when you don't tell anyone anything” Azul smiled ‘so we could make a deal” He said “” I said walking away. I stayed with the first years talking and Azul left they continued to ask and by they I mean Ace and Deuce. Jack and Sebek and Epel just kinda stood there watching as these two act like 5 years throwing a tantrum *RING* “Oh look at that, kids , that's the bell,” I said, getting them both off me. “ Well, we have PE together though, so it's not going to get rid of us,” Epel said grinning. 

We all walked to what would be the locker but since technically I’m not a boy so I have to go back to Pomefiore and change there. I used to change in a ramshackle but now that it's shaking like hell is going to come out of it and since then it fell. So I have my reason to be late, on my way to class I found Neige and yuken who looked really lost. “Hey excuse me-” they were trying to ask other students for help but it seemed that they didn’t want to deal with them. They were looking side to side for someone until they saw me “Omg yuu there you are” Neige said running up to me “can you please help us”. I sighed “what do you guys need help with?” I asked  “well we are supposed to be in Mr crewel class but we got lost and can’t find the class” I looked around “well the class is right there” I said point to a few doors down. They got a bit red “oh dear thank you” Neige walked to yuken and took their hand and dragged them to the class. 

I realized how late I was and ran to PE. I got to the class and the second I stepped into the class Vargas was waiting for me with the rest of the class. “So Yuu, why are you so late?” Vargas asked me “well I had to go change all the way in pomefiore and then I ran into two lost RSA kids that pretty much it” I said. “Ok well, just get into the line” he said. Class continued and at the end we were all tired thank god this was in fact the last class of the day *RiiNG~* We looked happy and left the class “Thank god it over” Ace yelled as he dropped on the floor Deuce picked him “WOW Hold on Deuce '' Ace said as he was picked up bridal style. Ace was rather embarrassed and blushed “DEUCE IF YOU DON”T PUT ME DOWN I SWEAR TO GOD” yelled and moved to get Deuce to drop him. “Well perfect i'll see you later” deuce said not even bothered by Ace who was squirming like a eel out of water I mean I would know I seen floyd forget he is his eel form. 

When two worlds collied twisted wonderland حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن