"First day of hell" 💨

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Mui- 💨
Genya- 🔫
Sanemi- 👹
Giyuu- 🥲
Yuichiro- 😡
+ more

Mui POV:

"BEEP BEEP BEEP" Screams the loud ass alarm in my ear "No..Not right now..." I say exhausted. It took me 2 minutes before I got up and got ready for college... ya.. college... "I hate school so much" I say while changing out of my comfortable pj's and in the ichy and uncomfortable yellow uniform that we had to wear. "Huh?" I said counfused as my phone blared in the other room "Who Is calling me at the moment?.." I say surprised and say..
"Hello?-" before I get interrupted by the person on the other side of the phone " HEY MUI ARE YOU READY FOR COLLEGE!?" Said the loud voice on the phone "Will you walk me handome?"I say in a joke way "O-Of course I can!"said the stuttering boy on the phone "Good see you there at the entrance gengen"I say.

After I put on all my clothes I almost walked out the doorway before being pulled back by someone "Who was that on the phone mui?" Said my roommate/brother Yuichiro "Just genya"I said stupidity and unknown of whom I was talking to "THAT IDOIT!?" He yelled.

... I hate when Yuichiro Screams... it's scary and it worse when it's about genya since he HATES him... why you may ask? It's because I like genya and I know genya likes me but Yuichiro thinks genya is a bum and to old for me even tho it's just a 2 year difference.
"yea..sorry" I said after a long pause "I have to go to school now.." I said rushing outside the door

Writers note: sorry for all the spelling errors

•Just Confess Already• GenmuiNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ