"First day back" 🔫

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Writers note (Genya does not have a dorm since him and sanemi live across from the college and nemi is also a teacher at this college :D)

Genya POV:

I just got done with a call with mui and we get to walk to the college together I'm so excited I have been waiting to talk with him in Person since forever!... the reason why we couldn't see eachother is because nemi my big brother won't let me see him... but now it's driffent I'm exite-... oh...


When I arrived downstairs our mother greeted me and handed me some food while I could feel nemi's cold stare at me. When nemi left early to go to the college early since he works there I sat on the stairs scrolling in my gallery looking at pictures of me and mui... I missed him and his nice long silky hair with his amazing personality.

"Shit!" I yelled while looking at the time. It was 7:30 and I had to see mui at 7:40 and it takes 7 minutes to get to his dorm  "BYE MOM I GOTTA GO!"I yelled running out the door and I could hear my mom's faint voice yell out something but I couldn't hear her.

Out of breath i was standing outside the building waiting for him... I was so scared and excited I just couldn't wait to see him but then I heard the elevator ding and saw him... I froze while feeling my face heat up.. was I blushing?

"Hey mu-" I said before he grabbed me and hugged me tight "I see you missed me to"I said in a teasing way. "Hey gengen I missed you."Said mui in a calming voice.. I blushed hard like REALLY hard while he held my hand and guiding me to the college which was pretty far. Something I never understood was why mui lived with Yuichiro in that dorm even tho they went to different colleges but i don't ask.

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