"A new start" 💨

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(I made this previously, but it kept deleting itself. I'm literally so mad)


Tears fell from my face as my brother's words sunk into my head like a bullet painfully spliting my head into two.

"We are moving to another state." Were the words that spite out of yuichiros mouth. Vendom was the only words to describe such a sentence that was burning into his ears. Yuichiro turned away and walked to his room, but he commented some bullshit before he walked into his room. "Pack. We are leaving in a couple of weeks." And as quickly as the words came out of his mouth, he left.

'What about genya.. my degree.. my friends?' Was all that swarmed my head at the time. I was confused.. my brother just a couple of hours ago acted normal. Why are they moving?... The headache felt like someone just smashed a brick against the back of my bed. My vision was blurry. My face felt so wet that it felt like I had just come out of a storm. A storm full of confusion, fear, and rage.

Yuichiro couldn't just dump something like that on me and walk away!?

I quickly took off my scarf and coat and threw it onto the ground. I pounded on his door about to demand answers, but before I could dare let out another sound through my mouth, yuichiro opened the door. "Mui-," He began saying. "Why are we leaving!?" I asked in a blur of tears.

He looked at me like how a mother would look at their son, which was just caught doing something bad. It was a look of pure disappointment. A look of which triggered the storm inside my head to start again. Mist swarmed my heart as I started to yell at my brother demand for answers, "WHY ARE WE MOVING!?".

"Muichiro.. we can't.."


His eyes started to water. A single tear fell down his cheeks and onto the floor. His words that he spoke sounded raspy and just pure sad. "I'm so so sorry, Muichiro," he said, covering his face.

"Yuichiro, just tell me!"

"WE CAN'T AFFORD TO LIVE HERE ANYMORE!" He yelled with his hands still hiding away his shame, his guilt, and his disappointment. The disappointment wasn't targeted towards himself -Muichiro- but at yuichiro. He was disappointed in himself.


"My main job fired me a month ago, and my side Job doesn't pay me enough to buy bills, basic necessary stuff, and our car.. mom and dad said we could live at their house while we sort out your degree.."

Silence filled the room as the storm in muichiros' heart was enough to break the silence.

So much wanting to be said. There is so much needing to be heard. But nothing, not even a peep, was heard in the quiet room.


A single nod from muichiro was all that was left of him when he left to his room. Not even a 'ok' or 'I'm sorry to hear that, everything will be okay'.Yuichiro felt worthless to his brother.


The two brothers haven't talked to each other in two days. All the noise that came from each other was the noise of stuff being put into boxes.

Muichiros phone was filled with worried texts from his friends asking why he hasnt talked to them in a couple days or wondering if he is okay in general. But not a single text from genya.


Muichiro looked up at his brother, who had two boxes proped onto his shoulder.

"You ready?"

Muichiro looked at the empty apartment and at his brother.

He nodded.

"I'm ready, let's go,"

Authors note: Sorry for that delay of this chapter and that it's so short. I honestly just don't have the motivation to write lol, and tbh I don't think people are liking this story as much anymore. If you are reading this tho, thank you so much for the support and being so so patient with me and this story ❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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