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the walls were caving in, my lungs starting to dissociate. "help! mum?! dad?!" I scream my loudest. "help!!" I repeated. I had to accept that I was never gonna be saved. I tried moving around but my room was covered in dust and broken bricks with the walls smashed in. 

I managed to wriggle out into the hallway. it was worse, the walls were blocking the exit to the lounge. "mum?! dad?!" I repeated slowly walking down the hallway, avoiding broken bricks and glass. I saw a group of men walk into the house through the little crack between the lounge and hallway. I walked towards it once again yelling. "hello?!" I was tired. I was breathing in toxic air. 

someone had bombed our house. my father was in the mafia but he left and my mother was a stay at home mum. who would possibly do this? 

one of the men kicked in the wall and go into the hallway. I instantly ran to my room falling over constantly. "hey! we are here to help you!" the man yelled. "Marco your gonna scare the poor girl!" a woman yelled. "let me get in there" she added. and once again the wall got kicked in. "hey, darling. my name is Isabella. we are here to help you" 

"no! where's my mum and dad!" I yelled, she sounded like good person but I couldn't trust anyone. "what's your name? she asked calmly. "aurora." I replied quietly. "aurora, honey. your parents aren't here." "where are they? I need my parents!" I yelled, Isabella walked off and grabbed Marco by the arm. They talked for a while before walking back towards me. 

"listen here aurora. we have to go before the building collapses." Marco said in my face. my face was covered in dust that has been smudged.i nodded my head before following them out. 

Isabella gets her phone out dealing a number I didn't recognised. "niko we need some help, we have a girl hear that was in the building that was bombed" she said quietly. I could just hear her. Marco was standing right next to me, I pushed my curly brown hair behind my shoulders. "how long have you been in New York?" Marco asked, I think he was trying to make conversation which I really appreciated. "ive been here my whole life. my parents allowed me to go to school while they worked. my dad worked, my mum was a stay at home mum." I replied tearing up. he bent to my height and rubbed my tear away with his thumb. "its okay, we will find your parents but you have to trust us." I nodded. Isabella got off the phone and waved at us to get in the car. 

after an hours drive we got to their 'house'. more like mansion. we got through the gates and parked up. Marco opened the door for me, as I walked out I looked at my surroundings. 

beautiful green trees with apples, oranges and peaches. the house was gorgeous. a nice black marble coloured. "come on aurora" Isabella called. I ran up to her following her into the house. she showed me around till we went upstairs to a door, "this is the one place you cant go. its Nikolai's office. he would flip his switch if you walked in there. you always knock." she explained. I nodded in approval. she showed me my room. it was a nice layout, a big queen size bed in the middle with two nightstands on both sides of the bed. I had a walk in closet with the most beautiful dresses and heels. "this is amazing!" I said excitedly. "now hurry, take a shower. clean up and a maid will come and get you for dinner." "okay" 

after having the best shower of my life I got dressed in a white tank top with a white sports bra and grey sweats. a maid knocked on my door and I quickly got down for dinner. I sat next to Isabella while we waited for a guy called Nikolai. "by the way aurora, never call him niko or Nikolai. call him don niko" "why?" "its respectful. mafia rules" she shrugged. how come she could call him niko or Nikolai? maybe she earned the right. 

a tall muscular man walked up to the table and sat down in front of me. the maids brought our food to the table. "this is her?" he asked Isabella. "yup." she replied. he had brown fluffy hair that sat near his forehead. he had multiple tattoos, I only made out one of them. a heart with a bloody knife through it. odd-. 

"aurora?" he repeated. the way he says my name is hypnotising. "yeah?" I replied. he raised his eye brow, Isabella kicked me under the table reminding me what to say. "yes don niko" I corrected myself. "that's better." I blushed, he could probably see. * calm down aurora its a regular guy CALM DOWN* "aurora?" he repeated again. "your staring again" he added. I blushed hard. this time everyone could see it. I looked down at my lap quietly. "don't worry about it. what happened at the house?" he asked me. I felt privileged, "apparently it got bombed and I was inside but im trying to look for my parents, I don't know where they are." I said looking up again. 

"we will find them" he said harshly. the rest of dinner was quiet. I ate everything on my plate like I haven't eaten in years. Isabella laughed as I asked to be excused. "you may" niko replied. "thank you don niko" I replied back with a slight smile. "she's obsessed niko" Isabella said laughing as I walked off. "shut up Isabella" he glared. 

I got back to my room changing into my pjs, after I opened my windows getting a bit of fresh air. I idea popped in my head, it was a bad one but I was gonna do it. what could possibly go wrong?

*knock knock* I was standing outside of don Nikolai's office. Marco answers. "hey come on" he says with a smile. "thanks" I smiled, it soon dropped. "don Marco" I corrected myself. "just Marco thanks" he laughed. i was dying of embarrassment inside. I walked in and saw Nikolai outside on his balcony. "don niko?" I asked walking outside closing the door behind me. "aurora, call me Nikolai." he stated, I shivered from the cold. I didn't bring a jacket or hoodie with me. "Nikolai" I said to myself slowly. "fuck.." he whispered to himself. I stood on the other side of the balcony shivering while he was smoking a cigar. he finished it and threw it over the railing. "that's littering" I commented. "hm, and?" he said walking towards me. "t-thats umm littering" I repeated looking up at him. he laughed, " that's confident" he laughed at me. 

"why is it confident?" I asked walking closer showing him I wasn't scared. "because a lot of people sweet cheeks don't comment on what I do" he replied walking even closer. at this point we were in each others space. I could feel his hot breath hit my collarbones. I shivered, the wind was really cold. " cold?" "yeah" he took off his hoodie he had on and put it on me. it was extremely baggy but I didn't mind. it smelt nice. 

"get some rest, we have a long day tomorrow" he stated walking inside with me following him. "you follow everyone around?" he asked, "well there is only one way in and one way out." I glared "hm, I could have let you go off the railing" he laughed while he walked off leaving me standing there in shock.

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