parent's secret

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Nikolai's pov*

"tell me where they are!" I said in frustration, I had found a guy walking around Aurora's house. "I have no idea where they are" he managed to say spitting out blood onto the floor. "liar!" I spat giving him a solid punch in the jaw. 

it had been a few days since aurora came to live with us for a while. she's been really annoying. constantly following everyone. I think I upset her the other day by telling her to piss off, I swear she teared up. of course I didn't feel bad but she doesn't know respect or personal space. "ill give you one last chance" I said raising my tone. Marco was standing in the corner watching their every move. "I have nothing to say niko" the guy spat, I waving him off. Marco got the memo and starting torturing the guy while I walked out. 

I ran my fingers through my hair stressfully walking to the car.

"your back, niko I need your help" Isabella began. fuck sakes what's wrong now, " what's wrong?" I asked following her to my office. " aurora won't stop asking about her parents. I felt like they were already dead since the first time she asked me" 

"they ain't."

"what happens if they are?"

I scoffed "they ain't Isabella.

she scoffed back and walked out. I sighed walking to my inside bar in my office. I grabbed the bottle of whiskey and drank it straight. a slight knock resounded through my office, "aurora." I started impatiently, "Nikolai " she said returning the tone. I walked over to the door and opened it letting her walk in. "we are trying our best but-" "I know, your trying your best but cant find any information" she stated finishing my sentence. 

I ran my fingers through my hair again, "your stubborn" I said harshly, "your annoying" she insulted "your stuck up" "your- your.. agh okay you win" she said giving up. "no keep going, you gotta find something. what do you hate about me?" 

"your really annoying" 

"already said that"


"find something different"

she thought for a while before talking once again

" you're a liar, you like to manipulate people into thinking you're a bad guy but you ain't, deep down you're sad and miserable and you take it out on everyone else" she finished. 

"that was good but not good enough" I laughed. she gave me a death stare before snatching my whiskey taking a good long sip of it. "feel better?" I asked laughing. she gave a sour face before looking away turning her head in the process "yup-"


it was 10pm I had gotten into some sweat but I couldn't be bothered putting a t-shirt on. I called Marco to see if he had gotten anything out of the guy but nothing so far. I hanged up while he was mid sentence to go grab some water. I walked down the stairs to see aurora sitting on the couch reading a book. she looked up at me then looking back at her book. I got into the kitchen. I poured some water into a cup and took a sip. "want any water?" I called out to aurora. "no thanks I'm not thirsty" she replied harshly, she's turning into a mini me and somehow it frustrated me. 

I was back in my room thankfully, I had told aurora to head to bed soon so she could sleep. I leaned over my bed to my bedside table grabbing my journal, 

dear journal,

I had meet an angel a few days ago. it wasn't like out of the movies either. she was a girl, a 17 year old girl with brown wavy hair that goes to her elbows. she's turning into me, im a bad influence on her yet I like it. she's angry at me for yelling at her. I meant it in every way but.. something didn't feel right inside. but that's all journal. till tomorrow.

I had finished writing in my journal, I put it back on the bedside table and drifted to sleep. 


I woke up at 6am this morning. I had a long day ahead of me like normal. "Marco and Isabella!" I yelled, I found a pile of dead bodies outside the gates which I knew they did. they love to do shit together while I sleep. "yeah?" they both said in-sync. "what the actual fuck is this?" I said in a harsh tone pointing at the dead bodies. they both pointed at each other before rambling on about who did what first. "shut the fuck up!" they both stood still, their mouths shut instantly at the tone of my voice. 

I started walking inside, Marco and Isabella turned around watching me walk inside. I got into the kitchen went into the fridge and grabbed the whiskey at the top. " why do you drink?" a familiar voice called out. "and why do you annoy me?" I said turning around looking at aurora. 

" I don't annoy you!" she said sounding offended. "you follow me everywhere" I stated grabbing a water bottle out of the fridge, "your delusional" she said walking towards me. she stopped right in front of me, I raised my eyebrow looking down at her. "what?" she asked giving me the eyes that make my skin itch. she gave me the fuck me eyes, she doesn't know what she is doing. or who she is doing it to. I scoffed walking right past her heading towards my office. I opened the door seeing Marco standing up straight in front of me. "don niko" he said with a solid tone, "Marco" I replied walking towards the office bar.

I grabbed a beer opening it with my teeth then taking a sip. "what are we gonna do about aurora?" Marco asked, I was already stressed. worrying around a girl isn't gonna be part of my list. "nothing." I stated in a harsh tone. im always angry, nothing can change that. 

" don niko with all respect aurora's parents aren't all saints.. her parents were in the Costello's." Marco said. I stopped in my tracks. "Costello?" I asked. "Costellos" he repeated. my blood was boiling. "so her parents tried leaving the Costellos and got murdered for it?" I asked in slight agitation. "yup, aurora doesn't know. she knew her dad was in a mafia but not our one. she's gonna think we killed them." Marco started. "no she fucking won't. ill make sure of it" and that was it, I had had enough of it. I was gonna see if she knew anything. 

"aurora!" I yelled from downstairs. I heard shuffling before her running down the stairs. "what?" she said sassily. "follow me" I said beginning to walk off. " I thought you didn't like me following you hm?" "if you wanna live, do what is best." she started following me outside before I grabbed her by her throat leaning her against the house walls. "you do you know about your parents?" I demanded. "hmm that they didn't think your mafia very much." "you don't know me or my mafia" my grip on her throat tightened. she struggle to breathe, "I- I don't know anything I swear. they never told me about any mafia's" she struggled to say. 

"if you wanna live, you better tell me the truth" 

" it is the truth you dick!" 

my grip tightened even more, Isabella came running out with Marco ripping my hand off of aurora's throat. she coughed for air while I gave a death stare walking off.  "I will find out some other way then." I whispered to myself.

*aurora's pov*

" are you okay?" Isabella asked. I coughed for air, "yeah" I replied looking at Nikolai's horrible death glare. he whispered to himself before walking inside. "Marco what the fuck did you say!" Isabella yelled. "nothing just that aurora's parents belonged to Costellos and they betrayed us" he said calmly. "what?!" I yelled. "so they are dead?" "yup. we didn't do it"

my head was spinning. I need a drink. I ran inside, ran upstairs slamming Nikolai's office door open. "what the-" "I need a drink.."

I grabbed a beer before trying to rip the lid off with my teeth, Nikolai handed a bottle opener. I looked at him before smashing the bottle on the ground. Nikolai looked at me with wide eyes looking confused on why I was upset. "did you know?" I began, tearing up in the process. "yeah but aurora trust me we-" "shut up! just shut up!" I yelled, tears streaming down my cheek. Nikolai got up off his chair and walked towards me. "stop please! you killed them!" I screamed, "I didn't aurora don't be ridiculous" he hugged me while I fell to the floor. "you did!" " I didn't love just calm down"

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