I hate parents..

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nikolai's pov*

there I was, in a room full of ignorant fucking adults. two of which were auroras parents and the rest were my men standing around doing nothing. "go fucking do something" I yelled at them, I rubbed my forehead in frustration. All of my men went rushing out to find something productive to do while I stood there thinking about way to avoid every situation. 

"niko?" Marco whispered, "what" I said frustrated "and why are you whispering?" "aurora's here" he said in a normal tone. I walked out front to see aurora standing there playing with her hands. "nervous?" I asked "of course I'm fucking nervous you psycho" she snapped. jeez grumpy much? 

we all walked in silence, I scanned my hand on the doors while groaning at each one in annoyance. we finally got to the door 410 which auroras parents were patiently waiting in. Marco opened the door, I gasped loud to scare them. "stop being fucking babies and walk in" I groaned. aurora walked in last giving me the most horrible stare, if looks could kill I would be 6 feet under right about now. 

"mum, dad." aurora spoke sounding pissed off. I watched from a distant, I just wanted to watch her beat the shit out of her parents to be completely honest. "aurora" they both spoke in-sync.  auroras mum started to tear up while looking at the ground, "mum, don't fucking cry. you have no reason to fucking cry!" she yelled, her face inches from her mums. this was the first time I heard her yell like that, I don't think I've seen her so angry before. 

auroras pov*

I could hear nikolai chuckling in the background which for some reason pissed me off more than my parents. "finished?" I asked annoyed, "nope" he said completely unfazed by my anger. I looked at my parents in pure disgust. "I don't think I could ever see you two as my parents again." I begun, "but-" I cut my father off "no buts, you were supposed to look after me! your my parents for fuck sake." I teared up, I just knew nikolai would be happy right now. 

"we thought you could look after yourself" my mother murmured, "I was a child!" I cried out, "I was a fucking child! no child deserves to be in a bombed house and think your parents were dead?!" I wiped my tears taking deep breaths, I tried to find peace within myself to continue before I completely lost my shit. 

"why? just why? why would you put me through that, just leave me there to die?" I asked calming wiping the last of my tears. "we can't tell you." my father said. nikolai hops from his seat, "ill make you fucking tell me-" "nikolai sit the fuck down" I warned him cutting him off in the process. he sat back down looking pissed off as always. I sighed. 

"why cant you tell me?" I asked, "its not safe for you, these people are not safe!" my father yelled. "oh cry me a river! then drown in it. they are the ones who saved me!" I yelled back

"they are the ones we were hiding from!" my father said, "Eli!" my mother yelled. I didn't believe a word that came out of their mouths. why would they honestly be scared of nikolai and his men? like yeah they're assholes but they aren't that dangerous. are they? "okay fuck sakes enough talking. done talking to them?" nikolai asked getting up from his seat again. "yeah?" I said not sure of my answer. 

in a swift motion nikolai sliced both my mum and my dads throats, I was shocked. my brain wasn't processing what had just happened, I blinked rapidly trying to wrap my head around what just happened. then I clicked.

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