Chapter 13

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A couple weeks later was the day of Callie's adoption. As Stef made her way downstairs early that morning, she found Callie sitting in the kitchen with a cup of coffee in front of her, scrolling through her phone. Callie reached out to take a sip of her drink when she couldn't find the cup where she last left it. She looked up from her phone to see Stef standing across from her, taking a sip of her coffee. Stef smiled at Callie, as she took another sip from her daughter's mug.

"I don't know where your coffee went." Stef said to her daughter before leaving the room, mug in hand. Callie sighed as Stef left the room, and got up to make herself another cup. Callie sat back down, lifting the warm liquid to her lips and setting it on the counter again. She continued to edit pictures on her phone, occasionally pausing to take a sip of her coffee.

A little while later, Lena headed downstairs to find Stef relaxing on the couch, a cup of coffee in hand. She walked into the kitchen to grab herself a cup when she spotted one in front of her daughter. Callie had eventually put in earbuds as she wanted to listen to some music while on her phone, so Lena swiftly grabbed Callie's mug of coffee that was recently filled back up and went to join her wife on the couch in the other room.

"Did you steal her cup too?" Stef asked Lena, briefly looking up from the television screen as her wife entered the room. Lena nodded, laughing quietly as she joined Stef on the couch. They didn't have much time alone however, since the rest of the kids soon came bounding down the stairs, eager to get some food and start the day.


That afternoon, everyone gathered at the courthouse, ready for Callie's adoption. Callie had everyone she needed there. Rita, her friends from Girls United, the Quinns, and most importantly, her forever family. Everyone was sitting in the courtroom, the excitement evident. As Robert got called up to sign away his rights, Callie couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy and sadness for the Quinns, having to give up their parental rights for her to get what she finally wanted. She knew Stef and Lena wouldn't keep her from seeing them, she just felt bad that they had to give that up for her. Robert sat back down next to Sophia, a mixed look of happiness and sadness in his eyes. Stef and Lena were both called up soon after, to sign some documents saying that Callie would legally become an Adams Foster. Callie looked over to the Quinns, a sad but grateful smile on her face. As Stef and Lena returned to their seats, Callie took several deep breaths. She didn't really know how to feel about all of this. She felt happy for the Fosters, yet she also felt some sympathy for Robert. Nevertheless, she was finally going to be a part of the family. Legally. No Robert Quinn. No Liam. No nothing to stand in her way. She smiled at the thought. For the first time in her life, she was finally going to be truly happy, and she couldn't be more grateful.

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