Chapter 7

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After spending some time with Cole, Callie decided to head home. As she made her way inside, Jude approached her.

“Can we talk? Please?” Jude asked, wanting to apologize for what he said to Callie. Since he heard Callie leave the house after the thing with Lena, Jude hoped that Callie wasn’t so upset at him that she didn’t want to talk with him.

“What about, bud?” Callie asked. Since Mariana had dance rehearsal, the two made their way to Callie’s room. The two sat on Callie’s bed before Jude started.

“I’m sorry for what I said today at school. Will you forgive me?” Jude said, looking at Callie, sorrow in his eyes.

Callie smiled slightly, pulling Jude in for a hug. “It’s okay, I forgive you.” Jude smiled back, leaning his head on Callie’s shoulder and wrapping his arms around Callie’s waist, returning the hug.
“I don’t know why I said that. I really don’t. I would never ever say that. I guess I was just too caught up in the moment that I didn’t realize what I was saying. I’m sorry.” Jude explained. “You’ve taken care of me and protected me all my life. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Jude continued, leaning into Callie even more as tears silently started rolling down his cheeks.

“Jude, I understand. It’s okay.” Callie replied, wiping Jude’s tears away.

“Are you sure? I feel like I really hurt you, even though I would never say that to you.” Jude said through his tears.

“It surprised me, but I’m okay now.” Callie said, looking down at Jude, faking a smile.

Jude looked at Callie. “No you’re not. I can tell Callie. I’m really sorry I hurt you.” Jude said for the millionth time.

“Jude, it’s okay. I know you didn’t mean it. You don’t have to apologize more than you already have.” Callie replied. She didn’t want to worry Jude any further. She took a breath before continuing. “I’m not saying I’m mad at you, but, if anyone said that I wasn’t a part of this family, I would be really hurt by that. When I say ‘anyone,’ I mean people that aren’t a part of the family.” Callie said, that being the truth. She’d be heartbroken and angry if someone that wasn’t part of the Fosters family told her that she wasn’t a part of the family just because it wasn’t legal. Callie, along with the rest of the Fosters, knew that she was a part of the family in their heart, no matter what the legal documents said.

Jude paused, taking in what Callie told him, before continuing. “Like Sophia?” he asked.

Callie thought about what Jude said before answering. “Kind of, not really. I mean, I get why she feels that way. She wants a sister, a sibling, someone to share her life with. She is still my sister, just like you’re my brother.” Callie explained, not wanting to put the blame on Sophia. After all, she was still her sister.

Jude nodded, understanding what Callie said. “Okay.” he replied, hugging Callie tighter, and Callie returned the hug. The two stayed there for several minutes, just enjoying the moment.


Author Note: Thank you all for reading! I really appreciate it! Writing this chapter made me tear up a little because of the Callie/Jude interaction... Hope you guys enjoyed it! :) Thank you all for being amazing readers! I really love the feedback! 

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