Chapter 5

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“You want to tell me what happened?” Lena asked Jude, who was hidden in her side. Jude shook his head.

“Well, I heard some of it. I don’t know what it was exactly about, though.” Lena continued, hoping Jude would talk to her. After a couple minutes of silence, Jude found the courage to talk to Lena about what he and Callie were fighting about.

“I could tell she was hiding something, I didn’t know what it was. So I asked her and she wouldn’t tell me. I got so caught up in trying to find out what she was hiding, that I think I accidentally upset her.

“What did you say?” Lena asked, not wanting Jude to get upset if she knew that she was able to hear what he said to Callie.

“I said that she wasn’t legally part of the family….” Jude said quietly. “I didn’t mean it! I promise! I would never say that to her! I was just so caught up in the moment that it just slipped out!” Jude continued, hoping he wouldn’t get in trouble and that they wouldn’t have to talk about it any further.

“It’s alright, Jude. I’ll talk to her.” Lena said, consoling a crying Jude.

“I didn’t mean it, I’m sorry.” Jude said, his face wet with tears.


Callie and Brandon had been lying next to each other on the beach, looking at the clouds. There were clouds that looked like animals, hearts, faces, and more. Brandon checked the time. He had band practice today and he wanted to practice before he met with them.
“I have to go practice.” Brandon told Callie, sad to ruin the fun they were having.

“Okay, I’m going to head home early.” Callie responded, wanting to spend some time alone while she could.

“I’ll see you later.” Brandon said, hoping Callie would be okay. They both stood up and went their separate ways. When Callie returned home, she was glad the house was quiet. She decided to go up to the room she shared with Mariana and look at old pictures that she kept of Jude and her together, before they were put in the system.


When the rest of the kids arrived home from school, Lena found Callie in her bed, tears silently running down her face.

“I talked to Jude, he wanted me to tell you that he didn’t mean what he said earlier.” Lena said, sitting on the end of Callie’s bed. She didn’t get a response.

“Callie, you know he didn’t mean it, right?” Lena asked her daughter, hoping she would forgive her brother.

“Not right now, Lena.” Callie said coldly, swinging herself off her bed and left the room, leaving Lena alone. Callie ran out through the backyard and made her way to the Girl’s United. She wanted to talk with Rita about what happened. She wasn’t ready to talk with Stef or Lena, despite how close they had become since she first arrived in their house.

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