Chapter 14

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After the court gathering, everyone congregated at the Foster household for an after party. It was a small gathering, only several people there. The Quinns, all the girls from Girls United, Rita, everyone who had come to support Callie had come. Callie found a small moment to speak to everyone she needed to speak with.

"Thank you, for letting me get adopted by Stef and Lena." She told Robert. "I'm really, extremely, thankful."

Robert smiled. "I couldn't be more happy for you, Callie. I'm really sorry I tried to force you to live with us. Now I understand it wasn't what you wanted. I understand now that the Fosters are what make you truly happy, and I'm okay with that." he explained.

Callie nodded, taking in what Robert said. "I'll still be coming to visit you guys often, since you're still technically part of my family." she said. "Maybe every other 2 weekends or so, if that's okay?"

"We'd love that. Just for the record, you and the rest of the family are always welcome to drop by." Robert responded.

"Same for us." Callie added, smiling and hugging Robert lightly before going to talk to others.


As everyone was leaving, Callie found herself away from most of the group, just watching at a distance. She never thought this day would come, the day she would finally be adopted. Especially being adopted by a family that truly loved her, cared for her, and wanted the best for her.

"Hey Callie, I'm happy for you." Rita said from behind the girl. Callie turned around to see Rita standing there.

"Thanks. I'm happy too." she responded.

"You really deserve this, you know?" Rita said. "You've had a lot in your short-lived life, I think its good that you finally get to relax a bit." she continued.

Callie nodded. "Yeah, it'll be nice to finally relax and not worry about being in the system anymore."

"You're a strong girl. You're a survivor, Callie. I'm really, truly proud of you."

Callie couldn't help but smile. "I really couldn't have done it without you." Callie said, walking over to Rita and giving her a hug.

"Make sure to come visit us, or we'll come and grab you in the middle of the night." Rita joked, as she made her way out of the room and toward the door.

Callie laughed. "Alright. I'll see you guys soon then." She walked Rita to the door and saw her out. After shutting the door, she breathed a sigh of relief. After everything she's been through, she finally had her forever family. One that loved her, and wanted the best for her in life. Callie finally made it. She had her anchor. And she wasn't planning to let it go anytime soon.


Author's Note: I kinda said I wouldn't post the next chapters until after finals, but I figured since I hadn't updated in a month I would post it anyways. :)

And that's the end of the story! It was actually a lot shorter than I wanted it to be, but I didn't want it to be one of those stories that's like 100 chapters. But anyway, I really hope you liked it!
Please let me know how you enjoyed the story and if you want me to write any other ideas. Thank you so much for reading!

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