Chapter 6

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“Callie, what are you doing here?” Cole asked, surprised Callie was at Girl’s United.

“Hey, Cole. I wanted to talk with Rita about something. It’s good to see you.” Callie responded, coming inside.

“So, how’ve you been?” Cole asked, closing the door.

“Okay, I guess. It’s kind of what I wanted to talk with Rita about.” Callie answered.

“Alright, I’ll be upstairs if you want to hang out later.” Cole said, heading upstairs. Callie nodded in response before going to find Rita. She hadn’t told anyone she was coming to Girl’s United, so she hoped Rita wouldn’t be extremely surprised or busy. Callie found Rita in her office, doing some paperwork.

“Hey. This isn’t a bad time is it?” Callie said, standing in the doorway.

“Callie! How’ve you been?” Rita said, looking up from her work and setting it aside.

“Okay, I guess. I kinda wanted to talk with you about something. Is that alright?” Callie asked, coming inside and sitting down. Rita nodded.

“I’ll start from the beginning I guess. Robert won’t let me get adopted. Sophia ripped the papers before they got sent, and he said he couldn’t get new copies. When I went to see Jude during my free block today, he could tell something was bothering me. I didn’t want to tell him because I knew he wouldn’t take it well. I don’t know what propelled him to do this, but he said I wasn’t legally part of the family. I don’t think he would ever say that to me because I’ve protected him ever since we were put in the system.” Callie rambled on. She tried her best not to break down again, but she couldn’t stop the tears from silently running down her cheeks.

“I’m sorry Callie, I really am. I know how much you love the Fosters and how much you want to be a part of their family.” Rita said, after Callie finished. Callie nodded, drying her face.

“What should I do?” she asked. Rita sighed as she thought of what to say to Callie. She knew how hard the girl’s life had been, and how much she wanted to get adopted by the Fosters. Hearing Callie’s side of the story, Rita felt bad that she suggested Callie call the Quinn’s her family in front of everyone, when they all agreed to be friends for the event.

Eventually, after a short moment of silence, Callie said, “He promised me he would sign the papers to let me get adopted by the Fosters, and he keeps saying he wants me to be happy. I don’t think he sees that I’m happiest when I’m with the Fosters…”

“Have you told Stef or Lena yet?” Rita asked.

Callie shook her head. “Not yet. I don’t feel quite ready to.” she responded.

“You should, they really care about you. As for advice, I think you should start showing him specific evidence that you love them then.” Rita responded.

“How?” Callie asked.

“I’d try starting with calling Stef and Lena your moms. Not just in front of Robert, but I think you should get into the habit of calling them that. Not only will the Quinn’s see that you want to be in their family, but Stef and Lena will notice the change too.” Rita explained.

Callie nodded. “Okay.”

“You might also want to arrange a compromise with the Quinn’s if you want to get adopted by the Fosters.” Rita suggested.

“Yeah, I wouldn’t take them out of my life. Maybe like arrange a schedule for when to spend time with them?” Callie said.

Rita nodded. “Exactly.”

“Thank you, Rita.” Callie said, getting up to leave so that Rita could finish her work.

“Anytime Callie. Thanks for stopping by.” Rita responded. Callie smiled in response and left the room.

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