Chapter 10

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Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been updating. I have midterms in two weeks and I want to do well on them, so I'm spending time studying. I figured that since I haven't updated in over a week, I would give you guys the chapter that I had been writing for awhile now, since I had to pause the writing to study for my tests.

Hope you guys enjoy!


“Jill, can we have a quick chat?” Robert asked his wife, walking into the kitchen where Jill was preparing dinner.

“About what?” Jill asked, focusing on her task at hand.

“Do you ever feel angry at me when I talk about Colleen?” Robert asked. He didn’t even really want to know, but it was for Stef’s sake.

Jill looked up from what she was doing. “What suddenly brought this up? Is it Callie?” Robert shrugged.

“Well, I feel a little jealous whenever you talk about how great Colleen was for you.” Jill replied.

“What about Callie?” Robert asked.

“She’s a nice girl, great friend for Sophia. Though she reminds you too much of Colleen, which leads you to talk about Colleen all the time, which as I said, makes me feel a little jealous.” Jill explained. “If you’re asking my permission to adopt her, I would rather have her get adopted by the Fosters. Not because it would break yours or Sophia’s hearts, but also because if she was here all the time, it would just make me feel jealous all the time. She is a nice girl though.” Jill continued.

Robert nodded. “Alright. Thanks.”

“So, what’d she say?” Stef asked, as Robert made his way into the room again.

“She gets jealous whenever I talk about how great Colleen was.” Robert said sadly. Stef nodded, predicting that what Robert just said would have been the answer. ”That’s why you should sign the papers. Save Jill the pain of hearing you talk about Colleen all the time.”

“What about Sophia? If she finds out I signed away my rights just for Jill…” Robert said.

“She’ll get over it. But let me remind you, I’m not leaving here until you do sign those papers.” Stef answered.

“Callie’s my daughter.” Robert told Stef.

“She’s mine too.” Stef responded.

Robert sighed. “What would you do if I decided not to sign the papers? Because I still want to fight for the custody of my daughter.” he said.

“Look, I know you want to fight for the custody of the daughter you didn’t know you had, and I understand that. But Callie won’t ever live with you, because she and Jude are a package deal and if they were separated, it would kill both of them.” Stef responded.


Everyone was just getting ready to sit down for dinner. Lena noticed that Stef hadn’t returned home yet, It was odd because Stef was usually home by dinnertime unless she notified Lena or one of the kids earlier in the day. No one heard any news from Stef about her coming home late that evening.

“Hey babies!” Stef said, walking in the door. She was greeted by a unanimous ‘Hi mom’ from her children.

“Hey love.” Stef said to Lena, walking over to her.

“Stef, why didn’t you let anyone know you would be late? We thought something happened.” Lena explained, sounding exhausted.

“Sorry Lena. I had a lot of paperwork today and it took me longer than I thought.” Stef replied.


After everyone had finished eating and doing their nighttime chores, the family split to do their own nighttime activities. Stef thought that it was about time to tell Lena of what she accomplished that night.

“I visited Robert today.” she started, climbing onto her side of the bed.

“Oh really? What for?” Lena asked, also on the bed.

“We talked about Callie’s adoption.” Stef replied, opening up a magazine and putting her reading glasses on.

“Stef, what did you do?” Lena asked, wanting to get the conversation to the point.

Stef put down her magazine and looked over toward Lena. “I got him to sign away his parental rights, so that Callie can finally be adopted.”

Lena looked stunned. “You did what?”

“You heard me, Lena.” Stef replied, returning to her magazine.


So, how'd you guys like that? Please leave comments/reviews (and vote! :) )! How should Callie react to the news? What about Brandon? Or Jude? Or the entire family? I have ideas for how Callie should react, good or bad, but I need your help to decide! Should she get angry, or should she be excited? Please leave suggestions below!

Oh, another quick question...Who wants me to add Sophia's reaction too?


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