Chapter One - Tutor

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Muichiro's pov

I was sitting in class, struggling to pay attention to the lesson once again. It seemed so hard, trying to keep focused and be productive during the lesson.

I sighed and eventually gave up, laying my arms on the desk in front of me and resting my head on them, looking out of the window.

After a while I was interrupted by someone slamming their hand on the desk right in front of me, making me flinch.

I looked up to see Yuichiro "you scared me" I said quietly, rubbing my eyes.

"Did you pay attention in class?" Yuichiro asked immediately with a slightly annoyed tone.

"O-Of course I did" I replied, not wanting to make Yuichiro mad again. Yuichiro sighed and asked "if you were indeed paying attention, when is the next test?"

"Test? You can be serious" I thought and was about to answer, trying to get it correct but Yuichiro interrupted me "it's tomorrow, if you paid attention you would know.. and you clearly didn't"

"Sorry.. " I apologized quietly "but now that I know about it, I promise I'll try! I will study for it" I said with a slightly higher voice, trying to reassure Yuichiro that I will actually try harder this time.

"You promised that many times Muichiro and we both know how that ended" he sighed "but alright, I'll give you one more chance, but promise me to actually try"

I repeatedly nodded "y-yes! I promise!" I said with a smile.

"Very well then" Yuichiro said and went back to his desk. My smile then immediately faded. I sighed and looked away, being worried about the test.

I studied for every test, I was studying so hard but every time i forgot everything. My memory is terrible, I couldn't remember anything.

I clenched my fists and thought "I will try again, I won't disappoint Yuichiro again" I said, being confident in myself once again.

Once I got home I took my shoes off and quickly walked into my room, trying not to be noticed by anyone.

I quietly closed the door to my room behind me and went to sit at my table and took out my history book, beginning to study.

Seconds, minutes, hours passed and I was starting to lose it. I read the notes over and over again, not being able to repeat the sentence ten minutes later.

"Maybe I should ask Yui for help.. I can't do this alone" I thought and stood up, heading into Yuichiro's room.

I peeked inside the room to see Yuichiro sitting on the bed. "Yui, can you please help me study for the test?" I asked, closing the door behind me, holding my textbook close to my chest.

Yuichiro let out a sigh "you should try studying it alone"

"I tried! I really did!.. I just really can't remember anything.." I replied and sat down on the bed next to Yuichiro "pleasee?"

"Alright alright, I'll help" he said and I tightly hugged him "thank you Yui!*

"Yea yea it's no problem, now try to read this paragraph, repeat it out loud and then try to say it without reading it"

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