Chapter Nine - Realization

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Muichiro's pov

I sat next to Genya at the table together with his friends.. they were all nice I guess but I still wasn't really comfortable talking to them which sucked.

I wanted to talk to them a lot but it was like my mouth was taped shut, I couldn't force myself into saying a single word.

Was it a fear of messing up?

Was it a fear of getting embarrassed?

I wasn't sure but I kept quiet, not saying a single word until..

"You are not the type to talk much huh?" Girl with with black hair and brown tips said with a slight smile, looking at me.

I was surprised by her sudden question, I didn't know how to answer so I just nodded slightly.

Genya slightly laughed and pulled me closer to him, grabbing my cheek playfully "come on Mui, no need to be so shy, we won't judge you" he said with a gentle smile.

I smiled as well and nodded, but still didn't say anything. It wasn't like I was still uncomfortable, it was a bit now that Genya reassured me but I still wasn't sure if I wanted to say anything.

"You can introduce yourself a bit more if that's okay, we can then introduce too, if that'll make you a bit more comfortable," Genya said.

I nodded slightly, "can others introduce first?"

"Of course! I'll start! So my name is Nezuko, I am sixteen and uhh.. hm.. I am a girly pop"

"Girly pop?" I asked, being confused, "is she talking about candy?" I thought to myself.

"Girly pop means that I am lesbian, understand now? Or do you want me to explain what lesbian means too?" Nezuko laughed slightly.

I slightly shook my and let out a small laugh "I thought you were talking about candy"

Nezuko then burst out laughing.

After a while she was still slightly laughing "h-holy shit, I am crying" she laughed again, wiping her tears "you're funny, I like you"

I smiled "thank you" I said quietly.

After everyone introduced me I was getting much more comfortable with them, I was comfortable talking too.. It was nice to talk with someone else who wasn't Misaki.

I didn't have many friends.. more like none because Misaki didn't want me to talk to others, mainly guys.

Genya's pov

I watched Muichiro as he talked with Aoi. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him, even though we knew each other for such a short time I knew there was something else I was feeling.

It wasn't a feeling I was familiar with but I knew what the feeling was.. and it was love. I never had a crush on anymore.. only Muichiro.

Everytime we came to class he was the one I was losing at, he was the only person that ever had me feeling this way and now that I am tutoring him the feeling is just more and more intense.

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