Chapter Thirteen - Apologies

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Muichiro's pov

I sat on my bed, looking through texts between me and Genya.. the last texts he sent me were "hi Mui.. I am sorry for what happened at school.. I just didn't want Misaki to hurt you like that, you need to understand that he's just not.. good for you, please just.. don't talk to him, okay?"

"I know it's hard but this is not a healthy friendship.. you just need to move on from him, okay? Can you do that for me?"

"Mui please talk to me.. I am worried"

"Mui this can't continue.. I saw how he treats you, you need to pull yourself together and end things with him"

"You're not going to respond, hm?... So you picked him instead of me..?"

"I see.. well.. goodbye Tokito"

"Tokito… he never called me that" I thought to myself and sighed, feeling tears welling up in my eyes once again as I kept staring at the conversation. I wanted to say something so badly, I wanted to be friends with him.. I didn't.. want to lose him..

I tapped on the message button and started typing but then.. I got a text from Misaki. My heart immediately started racing, I immediately deleted the message I started to write and closed the chat between Genya and I.

I clicked on the chat between me and Misaki and saw "meet me tomorrow in front of school"

"Why..?" I asked and he immediately responded with a really aggressive message "you don't need to know that, just fucking meet me there and stop asking, got it?!"

"Okay.. sorry" I responded and a minute later another text from him came "stop using those fucking dots in every sentence to give off that you are hurt, no one fucking cares, just type normally and stop seeking attention"

I didn't respond after that. I just dropped my phone next to me and sighed, rubbing my eyes tiredly. They were all sore from crying, I just felt so drained.. everything was falling apart and I felt like I couldn't fix it by myself.. 

Next day

I waited outside the school for Misaki, feeling so anxious.. I didn't know what he wanted from me or wanted to do.. but I still waited, not wanting to make him mad.

Suddenly I heard laughing. I turned to my right to see Misaki with his friends. "No.. not them again.." I thought to myself as they got closer to me.

"Sup Muichiro" Misaki said and took a drag of his cigarette, blowing the smoke on me. I tried not to react but once I accidentally inhaled some of the smoke, I started to cough.

Misaki's friends started to laugh as one moved closer to me "come on Muichiro, are you scared of a little cigarette?" He chuckled and put his closer to my lips "come on, take a drag too"

I quickly shook my head and moved away from him. Once I did I saw Genya with his friends walk into the school. Me and him made quick eye contact before he immediately looked away from me.

Misaki noticed and immediately slapped the back of my head, making me let out a quiet yelp "do you not remember what I said about him?" Misaki said and I shook my head "I do.. I am sorry, it won't happen again"

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