Megatron x June Darby (NSFW)

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⚠️ WARNING: The following fanfic contains mature content and explicit sexual content. If you don't like lemons and smuts, then leave this page immediately if you're sensitive to lemons!!! Readers discretion is advised!
June Darby slowly wakes up, disoriented and confused. She looks around and realizes she is in a strange room, lying on what appears to be a berth. She looks down and sees that she is wearing a strange purple and silver metal bikini.

Her outfit looked skimpy as she woke up and was shocked to see she was wearing a purple leather thong, purple long gloves, purple high thigh leather heeled boots with silver accents, a bikini top that showed her breasts but not her nipples as it was connected to a silver choker with a Decepticon insignia on it and June Darby was wearing dark purple lipstick with purple eyeshadow and black eyeliner.

She even wear silver hoop earrings and a silver wedding ring with a Decepticon symbol on it. It was the kind of outfit that looked skimpy and it made June Darby feel very uncomfortable as she was wearing something that made her look half-naked. Someone must've undressed her and then dressed her up like a stripper while she was out cold. But who would dare do such a thing?

Panic sets in as she remembers being abducted by Megatron last night. She tries to sit up, but her arms and legs are restrained. She struggles against the restraints, hoping to break free, but to no avail. Suddenly, the door to the room opens, and Megatron enters. June recoils in fear, but Megatron simply stands there, observing her.

"You are awake," Megatron says in a deep, menacing voice.

June glares at him. "Megatron!!? Where am I?! What am I wearing?!? Why have you done this to me?"

Megatron takes a step closer to her. " are special, June Darby. I have chosen you to be the first human to become my Queen. I will make you heavy with child and you, my beloved, will bear me as many strong and healthy heirs as I so deeply desire."

June's eyes widen in shock. "No! I will never be your Queen! I would rather die than to marry you and then let you molest me!! You are a warlord who wants to destroy the human race!"

Megatron smirks. "You misunderstand me, June. I do not wish to destroy humanity. I only wish to rule it. And with you by my side, we could accomplish great things."

June scoffs. "I will never be your accomplice!"

Megatron's face softens, and he takes another step closer to her. "You are a beautiful and intelligent woman, June. And I have ways of making you see things my way."

June tries to resist, but Megatron begins to recite poetry in a deep, seductive voice. June finds herself drawn to him, her resistance beginning to crumble. Before she knows it, Megatron is kissing her, and June finds herself succumbing to his seduction. As they break apart, June realizes that she has been completely charmed by the warlord.

"You see, June Darby," Megatron says with a smirk. "We were meant to be together."

June Darby feels a sudden release of the restraints holding her down and looks up to see Megatron standing over her.

"What do you want me to do?" June asks, feeling a mix of fear and confusion.

Megatron smirks down at her. "I want you to dance for me, June. Show me what you are capable of."

June hesitates for a moment, but Megatron's gaze is too intense to resist. She stands up, feeling self-conscious in her metal and leather bikini, and begins to dance for the warlord.

As she moves, she feels Megatron's eyes locked on her, and a strange feeling of desire begins to stir within her. She tries to push it away, but Megatron's seduction is too strong.

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