Royal fembot x Megatron

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Y/f/N means Your fembot name.
Y/f/N, a princess hailing from the peaceful and secure planet of Thezenus (a Transformers colony planet I made up), found herself trapped in a tumultuous predicament. Having lost her mother to the dreaded Rust Plague, she was raised by her father, the king, within the opulent walls of a luxurious palace. As her 25th Creation Day approached, she longed for a joyous celebration, but her father had a different plan in store—a gift that shattered her hopes and dreams.

To Y/f/N's dismay, her father had arranged a marriage for her with a mech who epitomized everything she despised. This prospective groom was a wealthy and powerful individual, known for his demeaning treatment of fembots and his disdain for the peasantry. She pleaded with her father, desperate to escape this fate, but her pleas fell on deaf ears.

"But father, I don't want to marry that disgusting mech!" Y/f/N protested, her voice filled with anguish.

Her father, the King of Thezenus, remained resolute in his decision. "I'm sorry, daughter, but for you to ascend to the throne as the Queen of Thezenus, you must marry a prince. It is what the kingdom demands."

"But what about what I want?" Y/f/N implored, her voice quivering with frustration.

The king's stern gaze bore down upon her. "Enough, Y/f/N! You will consider giving the Prince your hand in marriage so that you can produce an heir. Now, return to your chamber and adjust your attitude."

Furious, Y/f/N stormed away, slamming the door of her royal quarters. Overwhelmed with sorrow, she found solace in her tears. Determined to break free from her father's control, she made a life-altering decision—to escape her gilded cage and forge her own path.

Under the cover of darkness, Y/f/N slipped out of the palace, carefully evading the watchful eyes of the Royal Guard. Disguised as a commoner, she clothed herself in humble attire, concealing her true identity. With newfound determination, she ventured forth into the world, seeking a new life where she could embrace her independence and live without the constraints of her father's expectations.

Unbeknownst to Y/f/N, fate had other plans in motion. Megatron and his Decepticons, having crash-landed on Thezenus—a planet foreign to them—found themselves facing a dire situation. Megatron ordered his troops to guard their damaged warship, the Nemesis, while he contemplated using Dark Energon to revive and repair it. However, the memories of the Nemesis turning against him and his Decepticons in the past weighed heavily on his mind. Learning from his mistakes, Megatron, accompanied by the mute Soundwave, decided to embark on a perilous journey across the desolate wastelands in search of a device capable of quickly restoring the Nemesis.

Transforming into their jet modes, Megatron and Soundwave soared through the skies, until they chanced upon a city nestled near a grand palace. In order to remain incognito, they donned cloaks to conceal their true identities, ensuring that no one would recognize them. With caution as their guide, they stealthily made their way into the city, their true intentions shrouded in secrecy.

Little did Y/f/N know that her path was about to intersect with the enigmatic presence of Megatron and Soundwave. A collision of destinies was imminent, their lives entwined by a web of unforeseen circumstances. As their worlds converged, the stage was set for a chain of events that would shape their individual fates and the course of Thezenus itself.

In the lively city of Virelia, bathed in the warm embrace of daylight, Princess Y/f/N, disguised as a commoner, ventured through the bustling streets. Her heart yearned for freedom, a desire to escape the palace and the impending shackles of an arranged marriage. As Y/f/N weaved her way amidst the crowd, her gaze danced from one potential home to another, seeking solace and the promise of a new beginning.

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