EP 10 - This was a setback (EN)

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Inside an old abandoned lava mine, which was still burning due to the burning lava, we found a main hall, full of gem symbology from the last century in ruins. At the back of the room, attached to the main wall and surrounded by several rivers and lava erosions, there was a large pedestal which years ago served as a stage for ceremonies inside the room. Right there, strong short electrical shocks were heard.

Peeps was being heavily tortured with energy shocks, delivered by Spinel-IA's handheld destabilizer. These electric shocks were short to prevent Peeps from puffing quickly, in a way to torture her.

Peeps fell over and over again to the ground from the energy discharges. Peeps was almost exhausted from trying to escape and enduring the pain of the shocks, enduring more and more not to succumb to them and puff her physical form. She already looked tired, hurt and exhausted by this.

— Spinel-IA...Please stop. I can't anymore... —

Peeps said lying on the ground, trying to get up without success and exhausted.

— You should have thought about the consequences that would bring me away from my dear Spinel. You totally deserve this —

Spinel-IA full of pain and rage, approached her to give an electric shock to Peeps already on the ground. Peeps writhed again in pain, but she tried to get up again without success, looking at Spinel-IA

— Spinel-IA I-... understand that I... never thought that resuming my relationship with Spinel would affect you like this... —

Spinel-IA was enraged by the attitude that she believed to be "indifferent" from Peeps towards the affection she has for Spinel, so he rushed towards her and with her left hand grabbed her clothes, approached Peeps firmly, face to face. Peeps let herself be pulled, exhausted by the pain.

— Don't tell me lies! You merged with her! You could see her thoughts! She knows how I feel about her! You never considered that?! —

Peeps took the wrist from the hand of Spinel-IA who was firmly holding it up and took a breath.

Peeps took the wrist from the hand of Spinel-IA who was firmly holding it up and took a breath

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— S-Spinel is careful with her thoughts... even if she fuses with someone else, she blocks part of her thoughts and memories... maybe she didn't let me see that about you —

Spinel-IA became even more enraged, more than anything for learning that from her beloved Spinel, a fact that she did not know, and her enemy was revealing it to her. Due to spontaneous anger at Peeps' comment, Spinel-IA with the destabilizer in her right hand, delivered another short electric shock to Peeps' abdomen, causing her to moan in pain unable to escape from it.

Spinel-IA gave an angry groan, looking down at the ground, annoyed by what she heard, but without letting go of Peeps, she looked back at her and brought her face to face again.

— You're saying that's why I didn't see you in her memories when I fused with her... is that true? —

Peeps let out some tears of pain — M-maybe... —

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