Chapter 9

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-Hayden's POV-

As I was gobbling up all of my popcorn and went VERY hyper over nearly finishing watching Oddballs season two on Netflix, I was Tom enter the room with an 'wtf' face.

Kira's hiding behind Tom, while Matt and Edd's faces are like stuck onto the tv screen. Marley was on on the brink of insane. She was one click away from going insane.  (HOW ON EARTH CAN I BE SAVED IF I'M ONE CLICK FROM GOING INSANE- nah singing will be later ;)

As Rey and Tord entered the room holding what looked like blueprints, I asked them "Hey, what are you guys holding Rey?" Rey sweated and said "Oh! Just some project of making Optimus Prime from Transformers?"

-Rey's POV-

Shoot I'm done for, as I looked around, Tord was glaring at me, waiting for an answer. It made me even more nervous since Kira raised her eyebrows at me. I really need a syringe to see the blood of experiment 13, (okay so Tom is a demon and basically Tord had been testing him  for data, and to see if he's harmful or not. That's why Rey is so cautious about Kira getting hurt from this demon)  what if he can transform anytime? Hopefully I'll add these blueprints to my lab, where no one will notice.

I took a deep breath and blew it on Tord at purpose. Tom, Kira, and Hayden laughed as hell, Tord literally didn't understand what did Rey just do now, but he ignored it since Rey found a dumb excuse from Hayden's question.


After a while, all of us left Edd's place, we said our goodbyes and Kira hugged Tom. Our house was just next door so at least there wasn't that much of a walk. As we reached back, Marley and Hayden slept on their beds after dashing all around the house getting towards their rooms. As I looked at Kira, I asked her what was on her mind. "Well, Tom told me he liked him, and after we all left Edd's house and went back here, I've been getting mixed signals from him, I can't get it out of my mind." Kira said while going in the kitchen getting a cup of water and sipped on it slowly.

"Well, it sounds like you have a crush~😍😘🥰"  I said to tease Kira. She blushed annoyingly, saying "Oh shut up Rey-"

I chuckled while going back to my room, and opening the secret lab I kept inside my room. So far, nobody but Red Leader knows about this. My goal is to see if monster Tom can be used as a weapon, or a manipulation of ours to conquer the world. And maybe if that works out, we can try it on Kira as well~

We'll see ;)

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