Chapter 16

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-Marley's POV-

As all of us went back home, since I felt like we went to the store FOR NO FUCKING REASON WHY! 

I groaned, while Matt and Edd had that 'WTF' look on their faces, wondering why did I make a sound out of the blue. As we all went back, just scrolling back on the TV and sitting on the couch, the doorbell rang, and Tom went to answer it..

I peeked out to see who was he talking to, since I was bored AF, and I'm probably getting a headache from watching TV for hours.

I saw a short girl, that looked like one of Rey's friends, with I think a bushy eyebrowed man... I also see two other people, one was a pink haired man, another some guy with a weird hairstyle like some kpop idol or something.. (Please don't give me hate, but honestly Patryck's hairstyle looks like V's hairstyle from BTS)

I heard them asking Tom who he is, and I see the blonde-haired girl holding some paper, with photos in them...

The next thing I remembered was getting knocked out by those two, people, and the pink haired man, and the guy with the weird hairstyle put stinky bags onto our heads, knocking us out, putting us inside, which is what I assume is their van....


As all of us woke up, Kira, Hayden, and Me were all in the same cages, but Edd, Tom, and Matt were in different ones. 

As all of us removed the bags off from our heads, I said, "An hour of Hell...... and now we're in jail, what in eventful day..." 

I was mentally losing it...... And Kira was panicking, and of course Hayden was probably anxious that he wanted a grenade or something to kill the person that locked us in here.

I saw Edd sighed and he said, "Prision, it changes a man." (🤣)  "Yeah.. We've been here for less than three minutes.." Tom said with sarcasm. Surely Edd was overexgerating...

Hayden noticed that those people that kidnapped us here, walked away from the jail cells. He kept on screaming at them to try to get their attention, and then Edd just kickflipped the jail cell door, as if he was learning Cobra Kai.

As Hayden did the same thing, it actually worked! As we looked around where we was, we started opening random doors, finding a way out....

This surely was no dream...



But as Kira found this one door, she saw all of those four people that kidnapped us. The blonde haired girl was surprised as fuck,  and then we all started running if they were gonna kill us or some shit.

As we entered the room, we saw a fuck ton of weapons-

(cliffhanger since your author is too lazy af to write rn)





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