4. Light in the Dark

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"Ahoy, mateys," with a broad grin and Tikki trailing between him and Seonghwa, Hongjoong scaled the plank. His crew - busy until now cheating each other in liar's dice - broke out in cheers.

"Oi Captain, what took ye so long?" Jongho called from where he perched by the mast. Next to him, Yunho lifted his hand in greeting.

"We 'ad some matters to scuttle. Welcome Tikki fer another voyage!"

A chorus of greetings rained upon the girl and she drank them up before she scurried away to join their round. As if she belonged with them, she perched between Yeosang and Jongho and demanded to be let in on their game. San's dimple dug into his cheek as he shuffled the cards anew. As soon as she arrived, she immediately took the place of the captain.

"We brought some grub fer ye as an apology. Enjoy it," Seonghwa announced as he handed Wooyoung the pastries and meat. After a suspicious sniff at the former, their lookout regarded them with narrow eyes.

"What do we owe the 'onour?"

Hongjoong's hand found Seonghwa's lower back, steering him toward his cabin.

"Eat, ye dog. They be made with love," the captain growled. With a shrug, Wooyoung distributed the pastries among them. Mingi's eye curiously examined them for a rig, but he lit up when he dug his teeth into them. So long as the crew got their share, they didn't mind if the captain made them wait. Tikki gladly took a taste of home as well.

While they were distracted by Tikki, Hongjoong led Seonghwa to their shared quarters. His first in command looked fatigued, and his shoulders drew into themselves. The shadow in his eyes was different from the usual, and he leaned into Hongjoong's warmth on their way to their broad bed filled with Seonghwa's softest blankets and furs.

"Hongjoong," Seonghwa began, voice brittle, but the captain shushed him. His scarred fingers undid the laces of Seonghwa's shirt, helping him out of his clothes until only tanned, tattooed skin remained. He helped his tired husband sink onto their bed. After he brushed the dark hair from his eyes, Hongjoong left a lingering kiss on his forehead.

"Take a caulk. I'll take care o' our 'earties."

Gratitude swam in Seonghwa's haunted eyes. As if Hongjoong's understanding wasn't something granted to him, no matter the tides swamping them.

Hongjoong lost people before. And though he dealt with death differently than Seonghwa, he knew his treasure needed time.

With a nod, Seonghwa slipped his long legs under the blankets and curled up. He looked lonely in their vast nest framed by riches and gems. Maybe later, once he accepted Hongjoong's touch, Hongjoong would come to embrace him.

For now, however, the captain retreated. In his heeled boots and tight pants clinging to his legs to contrast his billowing shirt, he stepped back out into the spring sun.

His call bellowed over the deck and had everyone springing to their feet.

"All 'ands 'oay! We be sailin' fer the Buried Lagoon. Yeosang, matey, join me in the sickbay."

The ship drowned in its bustle. As the captain descended from the helm with thundering steps, the trampling of a dozen men rose around him. Yeosang came springing to his side and accompanied him across the deck.

"We'll take Tikki to the lagoon?" He asked with a glance at the girl who helped Jongho heave the anchor on board. The sails rushed to catch the wind above their heads as the ship found the course homebound.

Or not quite homebound yet. The Buried Lagoon was an island under the rule of the royal crown, but pirate vermin had been spreading for years. Hongjoong ruled the Black Bay and governed it to become a pirate hideout. If everything went as planned, the entire island would be pirate territory soon. Hongjoong's title was widely praised among the gentlemen o' fortune. He made it his goal to give sanctuary to those prosecuted by the navy who had no other place to rest.

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