20. Come Hither

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Hongjoong glanced over his shoulder. His hands dropped from Seonghwa only after double-checking the bandage looped around his neck. Then, he called at his crew that came racing down the hill.

"Ahoy, me 'earties! Everyone 'ad a jolly caulk?"

Wooyoung and San reached him first, speedier than Yunho's light jog. Even from a distance, Hongjoong could tell Mingi was perturbed and his brow was furrowed over his eye patch.

"Seonghwa told us what happened. Why didn't you say anything?" Yeosang stuttered as his hand found Hongjoong's shoulder. He eyed him up and down as if Hongjoong might have sprouted an extra limb. When he found only the prior traces of fatigue, he bit his tongue. As someone so versed in his readings, he should have noticed.

That, and the sentiment they all shared. As a loyal crew who adored their captain, they all should have noticed.

Hongjoong didn't blame them. The first thing a pirate became good at was hornswoggling others. He would have been insulted if he didn't get to keep some secrets from their nosy selves.

And they didn't even suffer the worst of it. Seonghwa did and though he stuck to Hongjoong's side as always, the intention was unmistakable. He would lead them through the mirror no matter what. They were not parting.

"Ye gotta babble to us more, Cap. Princess Swab 'ides ye away too much," Mingi grumbled, just as fed up with hearing the news last.

"I'll 'ave ye know none o' ye would bother with this if me sugar were nay so greedy fer 'avin' me healthy. I kept the secret."

Seonghwa glowered at him. This was no matter to keep to himself between husbands. Especially not since it had to do with the Abyssus. A cold was one thing. Being haunted by demons, another.

"So... Yongguk said somethin' about the umbras? An' that ye feel sick because o' yer death," San recollected, unsure about the details.

Hongjoong hummed.

"I be sick because I ain't 'uman anymore. Seonghwa an' I decided to find a remedy o'er in the mirror world."

A collective shudder crawled down their spines. Jongho caught Yeosang's hand when it fumbled for him, calm in the storm.

"Ye do nay 'ave to join us. There be lots to do 'ere, an' a port to build. If ye can wait, we will 'urry aft," Hongjoong assured them. He preferred to keep as many people here as he could. Blimey, he would go alone if this wasn't all Seonghwa's doing. The pirate's gut still told him this was a bad call.

If it saved his crew's lives, he'd rather split up. He was lost already, but they lost much more.

Wooyoung and San sought an answer in each other's eyes. Yunho patted his pouches.

"I be with ye. If ye find a remedy, I 'ave to be there to double-check it."

"It be dangerous," Hongjoong reminded them. Though they all felt the draw of the unnatural magic over there last time, their umbras weren't the only vile creatures of that realm. It bustled with monsters beyond their human understanding.

"That's what we have you for, no? You see it differently and you know what you need to do. We'll be your support. As always," Yeosang smiled. By his side, Jongho nodded.

After another moment of reluctance, Wooyoung gave in. The one he feared, San's umbra, was no more. It wasn't as if they'd run into them there.

"I want to find out what 'aunts our dear captain this time. It'd be sick with worry if I stayed."

Hongjoong rubbed his forehead. They only came this far because of their collective stubbornness, but Yongguk was right. This was no easy sacrifice. They prided themselves on their power and arrogance, but they couldn't equate this journey with the last.

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