9. Waning

348 34 43

Warnings: smut until the time skip, bondage, somnophilia


"Will ye make do on yer promises to make this our 'ome? Fer children an' such?" Hongjoong smirked as he followed Seonghwa inside their private quarters. Their bodies were disgusting, but neither cared for the clean sheets as Seonghwa dropped on them. His splayed body invited Hongjoong in; offered its service.

"We can put a crib over there. A nursery one room over," Seonghwa purred as he seized Hongjoong's hips, throwing him into the sheets. Gladly, Hongjoong let himself be pressed down, too fatigued to battle for the dominance he gave up all too willingly. Lazy hands carded into Seonghwa's hair as they kissed. It was sticky with blood, but once more, he could be proud of his husband's improvement in fighting.

"Ye be so charmin', precious," Hongjoong purred as Seonghwa smoothed his hand down Hongjoong's side. With it reignited the lingering heat that never left.

"'Ow do ye want it?" Seonghwa whispered, in a sharing mood since they were riled up from the adrenaline of their fight and triumph.

"Anythin' be fine with me."

Now Seonghwa pulled back. He didn't frown, but his suspicious eyes wandered down Hongjoong's lax form. Usually, there was more spite in him before he turned into putty.

"Be ye feelin' jolly? Ye did nay get 'urt or poisoned, aye?"

"I be jolly," Hongjoong assured him, smirk crooked. "Just too in love with ye to do anythin' but marvel today."

With a fond huff, Seonghwa bent to nibble at Hongjoong's neck. The pirate tilted his head back so the marks would be seen. He was prideful to show off their pair, towards strangers and the crew.

"I'll let ye off the 'ook, then. Let me take care o' ye. Ye can rest if ye want."

Hongjoong lashes fluttered. He was so sleepy, so cosy in Seonghwa's embrace, though their obtrusive clothes and weapons were so filthy. He hummed, lips lethargically responding to Seonghwa's kiss.

They were usually better at taking off their clothes, but their hands were fumbly and their clothes gritty with grime. By the time they were bare and cleaner than before, Hongjoong lolled on the sheets as Seonghwa crawled between his legs. Though Hongjoong's mind was fatigued, his arousal wasn't. It stood proud and needy, begging for attention with enthusiastic twitches. When Seonghwa's plush lips enveloped it in the heaven of his throat, Hongjoong sighed in bliss. His fingers carded into Seonghwa's hair, legs coming to rest over his scarred shoulders. He adored Seonghwa; was so aroused by him. His lashes fluttered as he buried his head in the pillows.

Somehow, he must have dozed off. He knew Seonghwa took his time worshipping him with his mouth, knew he trailed lower later to bury that wicked tongue in Hongjoong's entrance, though he hadn't showered and reeked of blood and sweat. However, his mind was hazy around those memories.

When he came to, Seonghwa had rolled him on his stomach and settled over him. He had just buried deep inside the other pirate, filling him until his head kicked back. The feeling of him inside was glaringly clear. As was the whip Seonghwa had slung around his wrists to pin them to his lower back.

"Oh, ye be aft? I think ye nodded off on me fer a moment," the Pirate Prince noted at Hongjoong's guttural moan. When he leaned forward to grasp Hongjoong's chin in his hand and turned his head, Hongjoong squirmed as the shift pressed deliciously against his spot.

"Pardon," he gasped, keening when Seonghwa's hand slipped to his throat instead, applying mild pressure.

"We can stop if ye be feelin' under the weather," Seonghwa suggested, and though he wanted to punish Hongjoong for his disinterest, he sounded worried. The grip of his hand lightened.

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