11. Standoff of the Leaders

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Seated on a barrel snap at the end of the walkway leading to the docking area, Hongjoong crossed his arms. The nightly breeze ruffled his hair and crept under his shirt to skim his chest with ghostly fingers. Black ink dedicated to his crew and his husband made an appearance, personal to him and him only.

The three looming warships closed in on the harbour. Whoever carried the news to the nearest fort so fast must have mentioned Hongjoong's presence. For a regular pirate raid, they wouldn't send so many soldiers.

Hongjoong's crew grouped around him. They had his back as they awaited the nearing enemy. None of them had drawn their weapons, showing their offer for diplomacy.

Of course, shooting the warships' hundreds of cannons to bathe the port in flames was the easiest way to get rid of the government's greatest foe. When they passed the area of recommended Fire in the Hole to anchor instead, a smirk played around Hongjoong's lips.

They recognised the figure at the bowsprit of the frontal ship. His long hair whipped in the light of his lantern and, though his brows were drawn, he didn't look half as hateful as most of his people.

What a pleasant surprise.

Seonghwa perked up behind Hongjoong. He wanted to greet him, but wisely kept to their defensive formation. Out here, they were easy prey. A bunch of pirates on foot didn't defeat three men o' war. Either they won the battle of wits, parted on neutral ground, or died gruesome deaths.

The excitement of which it might be coiled darkly in Hongjoong's stomach.

Expectedly, the navy hadn't taken kindly to hearing Hongjoong was back from the dead. Since the admiral who claimed the kill joined Davy Jones' Locker, some argued he had been a fraud, and others feared the diabolical power the Pirate King used to walk the living plane once again.

And they weren't wrong. Most had seen their shadows fight by their sides. He was their most feared enemy, partly because he became something unholy in addition to his human crimes.

The ships docked, but the admiral beckoned his men to stay on board. Nervously, they clutched their rifles. Their eyes kept twitching back to Hongjoong, petrified now that they saw him. What looked like a lithe lad to many was the horror of the seven seas.

Accompanied by four soldiers, the admiral descended the plank. He wore an impressive coat over his impeccable uniform, and the seagulls fluttered away when his steps thundered over the wood. He didn't falter, and his men regained their confidence at his display.

Hongjoong kicked his legs merrily, welcoming them with a grin.

"Pirate King," Yonghwan breathed as he nodded a courteous head. Hongjoong bobbed back.

"Admiral. What a positive surprise to cross your path here."

The corners of Yonghwan's mouth twitched. His eyes read an apology as they swiped over Seonghwa. They had lots to catch up on; so many words to convey.

For now, however, it had to wait. The tension was thick enough to cut with a sabre.

"I see you've made your home. Our couriers mumble you claimed the Buried Lagoon as your property."

Again, Hongjoong nodded.

"Less so mine than I want to give it to the people. We live the lawless life at sea, aye, but just like you, we crave a place to take a break in. Somewhere to hide our families and children." He drawled; knew it struck a nerve. Yonghwan loved Seonghwa's mother dearly, and he loved Tikki, though he knew whose brat she was.

Edgy, the soldiers on the ships attended the exchange. No one attempted hasty decisions. They trusted their leader.

"But it is your flag under which you unite? Your title that keeps them safe?"

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