14. Rat Plague

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Warnings for blood and gore


Yeosang brooded over his maps at Hongjoong's desk while the captain slurped his tea. He was dutiful about it, less so because he was intimidated by Yongguk's ominous words, and more because Seonghwa watched him with a hawk's eyes. While they were out at sea to spread their lawless message and gather supplies for the Buried Lagoon, his condition shouldn't worsen. Hongjoong got forced to regular baths, a vegetable-rich meal plan and his daily teas. By some miracle, Seonghwa even found some sugar to provide him with.

Right now, his husband had joined Yunho in the kitchen to prepare some sweet pastries in addition to the sumptuous care package. Hongjoong sulked alone for a while, bored since he wanted to embrace Seonghwa in that gorgeous dress. Not that he didn't preen with pride in getting tended to so meticulously by his beloved husband.

Thankfully, Yeosang showed up. Now, the captain lay curled in his bed while Yeosang's pen scratched over the pages of the logbook.

"I want to give Seonghwa another present," Hongjoong hummed out of the blue. Seonghwa's devotion to him inspired him. A present would distract his fretting and convey Hongjoong's gratitude.

The scratching didn't stop, so much more pleasant and smooth than Tikki's writing. Some things never left Yeosang's heritage.

"Is it a special occasion? Or a random thought?" Deep and soothing, Yeosang's voice washed over Hongjoong's strained mind like a spring of fresh water. He propped himself up on his elbow. Right next to him was Seonghwa's treasured baby blanket, worn and stained from use. He caressed it with a contemplative hand.

"'E takes such jolly care o' me. I can nay always check in on 'im in return, but I want to do somethin' jolly fer 'im." His eyes pondered the ceiling. It was heavily hung with a chandelier and expensive fabrics, creating a sky of soothing colours above his head.

What was a suitable present? What, that Seonghwa didn't already have?

"Could invest in a pet," Yeosang offered. He glanced at his compass, turning a page.

"Wooyoung?" Hongjoong asked, lifting his head. Their eyes met, and they broke out in snickers.

The captain dropped back down.

"It 'as to be somethin' better. Somethin' 'e can enjoy without addin' more work. Though we could share a pet."

"Whenever we have chickens on board, he is quite taken with them."

Hongjoong mulled it. Clothes? Weapons? Furs? Artwork? Something to compliment their home? His own cabin boy?

He scuttled the last idea. No one but him got to touch his husband.

He was about to suggest a fancy hat to Yeosang when a cry from outside sent their heads snapping around.

"Sail ho! Jack tar on the 'orizon!"

"Blimey." Hongjoong rolled out of bed, grabbing onto his weapon belt in the same movement. "Did we leave Yonghwan's territory?"

Yeosang hastened to whip out the naval map at the same time as he stood and screwed his hook onto his stump. His lips pursed.

"Seems like it. His pardon doesn't make us privateers."

"Then we sink 'em. Where they attack, we can attack." Hongjoong thundered outside, taking the wheel from San so he could run and prepare the cannons. The boys ushered Mingi to hide, no longer so young to need protection.

"'Alf-mast an' prepare 'em mortar," Hongjoong bellowed with a glance at the far ships. They readied their chase gun before they would come broadside to broadside. Unfortunately for them, the Precious had more cannons.

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