18. Timetravel

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Hongjoong found Yongguk on the beach. The man's bare feet left trails in the sand and his hair and clothing ruffled with the wind. The orange glow of dusk framed his lonesome silhouette. That man was rarely caught in the light of day, so these sparse rays were a rare sight, giving away the disruption in his mind.

Hongjoong strolled behind him slowly. From time to time, Yongguk picked up sea shells to collect them for Tikki. The girl enjoyed amassing them as decoration, but she liked it even more when Jongho and Mingi made necklaces and bracelets out of them.

The water licked at their feet. It was warm enough now to take a dip and lured Hongjoong with the promise of endless freedom. Not one to trust its lethal snare when he wasn't in full health, Hongjoong watched it slosh into their trails.

After a while, Yongguk halted. The palm trees reached to the water here, bent into amusing shapes to poke at the waves in retaliation. Yongguk's honeyed skin glowed in the last light of the day.

Hongjoong sunk into the sand next to him. His toes wriggled in the sand.

"How is Seonghwa doing?" Yongguk asked after a long silence dominated by the rushing of mellow waves. The Bay was peaceful and no other pirates disturbed them there. All the action Yeosang dictated with his wit happened in the port town.

"'E been 'oled up in the room all day. Did nay want to talk to anyone. 'E e'en sent Tikki away."

Seonghwa couldn't bear the thought of losing Hongjoong again.

Hongjoong wouldn't be able to, either. To him, this still felt like a stupid sickness, nothing that would rip them apart.

But Seonghwa had a different viewpoint. And though they didn't part yet, old scars echoed his loss.

Hongjoong had seen what became of him once and Seonghwa had been right.

He wouldn't make it a second time.

The chill of that thought, of Seonghwa ending his own life because he couldn't deal with Hongjoong's loss, was what got Hongjoong moving. He agreed with Yongguk; they should stay far from all shadows and the mirror world. But if his decline came with the loss of his crew, of his life's light, he would confront all dangers. Survival brought them this far. If not for his own, Hongjoong fought for Seonghwa's survival.

"No wonder. Though I imagine he becomes clingy soon, to spend every last second with you."

Hongjoong stayed silent. These moments didn't feel like his last. He wasn't struck with a fever; didn't bleed out. The shadows crept steadily, ate at his heart to steal everything that was precious to him.

With a glance down at him, Yongguk lowered himself to his side. His bony fingers played with the colourful shells he had gathered.

"It will be dangerous. No one knows what will become of you in the future. If darkness takes over, it will try to consume your loved ones as well, as emotion is a potent delicacy. If they don't seek distance..." He let the sentence hang in the air. Its rich scent of ripe fruit and the sea was obscenely optimistic compared to their topic.

"I will nay let that 'appen," Hongjoong replied, voice stable. The sea washed over their feet, wetting the fringes of Hongjoong's pants.

"I can nay spy 'im like this," he added, softer. He wasn't gone yet, but every inch of him screamed that this was wrong. That his husband shouldn't have to suffer this much, especially not because of him.

"You want me to help you," Yongguk deducted. He sighed, hand ruffling through his untamed curls.

"We went there once an' returned. We can do it again."

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