Part 2

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When I turned around in fear and looked at Alex, I couldn't see him.  I'm pretty sure he was just behind me.  We were supposed to be together right now.  Where had Alex disappeared to?  As I turned my gaze back to Scorlas, I realized that the eyes of the burly scorpions were on me.  All of them… They were all looking at me.  After a few glances at me, it was accompanied by growling and hissing sounds.  They were snarling, showing their sharp white teeth, and coming slowly towards me menacingly.

I tried to get a little higher and keep my distance from them.  As I looked around in horror again, I couldn't see him.  Where was this man?

When I saw a few of the scorpions ahead jumping in my direction, I decided to leave from here.  I was going to leave here with or without Alex.  While I was making a mental note to cut off Alex's head and throw it to Mars, I turned around and tried to fly quickly.

Through my sharp ears, I heard a nearby scorpion flying towards me.  I should have kept flying fast, but I made a mistake and turned around.  The burly scorpion flying towards me, hissing while staring at me, slammed one on my waist with its claw, and my body, weaker than the other clans, began to fall rapidly towards the hundreds of scorpions.

I groaned in pain as I fell on my back to the soft earthen floor.  My wings were hurt and damaged.  The pain caused by my wings was so much that I forgot even the scorpions around me for a moment.  I looked up from the dirt floor and stared at the silver, black, and red eyes that were staring at me with fear and anger.  Among the hundreds of scorpions staring at me with hatred, I searched for the familiar silver.  But there wasn't.  Where was Alex?

Could he have gone after he tricked me into making me fly here?  Vampires were unreliable creatures.  Maybe he was just making fun of me for fun.  What they said was a lie then.  He wasn't half scorpion, half vampire, as he said.  That was an impossible thing.  Stupid Anna, how can you trust a vampire you don't know and come to Scorlas?  Stupid, stupid, brainless, Anna.

"Scatter, cannibals.  That voice belonged to Alex, who was flying towards me with his tan wings in black and navy blue.  The heads of other scorpions are like mine, as I stare at him, some of the scorpions slowly move away from me.  The sense of relief that enveloped me made me forget what I had just thought.  All that mattered right now was Alex.  He was back too.

I glared at Alex as he helped me get off the ground.  He gave me small smiles and took my half-naked body behind him.  I covered the exposed parts of my body with my wings as I touched the back of my hands.  I was aware of the red and brown dust on my snow-white wings.  I needed to be washed as soon as possible and fed to strengthen my wings.

"Where are you?"  I said questioningly.  The hissing tone in my voice was close to a growl.

"You left me behind."  he said, laughing lightly.  As I glanced at the other scorpions, I was conscious that you were lying.  I didn't leave him too far behind.  There was not much distance between us.  As I dug my sharp nails into his back, I noticed the other scorpions moving away from us.

"Liar."  I said hissing.  He didn't turn to me but I could hear him laughing.  Even though I still don't understand why he kept me behind, I was happy with myself.

Glancing back at Scorlas, he didn't look at all as dreadful as had been described.  It was a city built on red soil.  I was wondering what big dark houses were doing in Scorlas.  Iad told me that the scorpions in Scorlas live underground.  So who lived in these houses?

The ground beneath us suddenly softened and became a rift big enough to engulf us.  While I was hugging Alex tightly as I fell, I did not neglect to scream.

"Dad probably wants to see us."  said Alex, turning to me.  Although I appreciated that he turned to me when we were down, we were falling right now.  Damn, what kind of place was this?  Alex said does my father want to see us?  How would he talk to a scorpion?  So what would I do?  Oh, I definitely shouldn't be here.  Damn it!

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