2: The Rhode

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'Are you sure this isn't a hoax?' Don asked for what was probably the fifth time.

He had always had a way of infiltrating my thoughts and stirring up doubt where it shouldn't be stirred. I hated that he did that but in the end, he always had a point.

Don had woken me up to be in the office a.k.a. Asencio & Co HQ, two hours early. My little sister, Phoebe, had warned me of his madness and now, I saw it in high definition. Harry hadn't assured me that The Rhode was ours so I had to keep the fate for my brother's sake and mine.

'I'm sure that he is Luke Carter's son. Dad just needs to make his case and boom. We're on the board and you become CEO when dad decides to go into retirement,' I informed Don.

Luke Carter is a businessman and Politician who is a little bit too rich to be in politics but somehow he is and he is damn good at his job. He had studied both business administration and politics in college. Graduating second best in his class after none other than his wife, Miriam.

'Your father will die on The Dandelion and you know that.'

'Our father,' I corrected. Despite Don's little grievance, he looked a lot like our father. I only got his brown eyes every other thing, I got from my mother.

The Dandelion is our family's baby.

Well, It is not exactly a baby but it still is a baby to us. In the 1920s, My great great grandfather thought it wise to turn his home into an inn. He was the son of a merchant and the merchant line of work was being absorbed by a change in the economy and well, the World Wars, the great depression and the Spanish flu.

The world was changing so he had to change too. He pumped all the income from the inn to a bigger building and made it a hotel in the span of two years, giving his regulars at the inn free rooms that sky-rocketed advertising in the best way possible.

The business never suffered because he did something that people barely do. He entertained his children's ideas. Now, we have various subsidiaries and acquisitions. My dad was on the board of various companies and I was in line to inherit that if my brother didn't kill me first.

'He calls you princess and calls me, son.'

'I call you Don and I call Phoebe a witch. Does that mean she isn't my sister?'

Don rolled his eyes and got up.

I followed his line of sight to Luke Carter and Harry. I stood as well, mustering my best smile. Luke looked stunned, as if he was meeting his childhood hero or favorite celebrity.

'Good morning, Mr Carter,' Don said before I could. 'I'll escort you from here if you don't mind.'

Luke gave Don a curt nod before smiling at me and following my brother. I had never wanted to be a part of the meeting. It stressed me out. I worked better with the design team and architects.

The business side of things bored me which was a contrast to my MBA. I led Harry in the direction of my brother's office which I had partially colonized, offering him a seat and an array of alcoholic drinks that Don and I stalked up for stressful days.

'So, I guess you work for Ezra Asencio,' he muttered while staring at a bottle of wine that I had personally swiped from my mum.

'That's not why I brought you here.'

'You reconsidered my offer?' There was an obvious twinkle of mischief in his eyes. One that let me know that he would have taken me in that office if I gave him the green light.

I took my wine from him and put it back in its place. He looked better than the last time, which was expected since he was outside our apartment building. To be honest, He had never faltered even during his grocery runs to my fridge or a long day from work which was why his behavior was weird and his request was absurd.

So, I asked.

Stringed him on for answers about the wedding, about why he needed me there and why he needed anyone there in the first place.

His evasion was obvious but soon, he was unable to keep himself for long.

His eyes were on the city as he spoke. 'I just can't go alone.'


He looked at me. 'I...' He took a deep breath and shifted his weight. 'They think we are together.'

'Why?' I crossed my arms.

'I told my mum that I was coming with my girlfriend and she probably told my dad and brother who probably told the others.'

'For a family in politics, you lot sure can't keep a secret,' I kept my expression blank as I spoke.

'I'm sorry,' he barely looked like he meant it. He also looked stressed. He hid it well but I still noticed it in the way he drove his fingers through his hair like a beautician would to a stubborn cuticle.

'The deal was to be your date not your significant other,' I pointed slightly disturbed by the turn of things.

'I promise. It'll be fine,' he barely sounded promising.

The door swung open and Don walked in, shutting the door before he closed the gap between us and pulled me into an air ceasing hug.

'I love you,' he said and immediately I knew something was wrong.

'Did you hit your head?' I asked as he let go.

'Even better...' he beamed like a hysterical teenager.

'Dios mío' I muttered, glancing at Harry then looking back at Don.

'We got it,' he said in Spanish and I let out a squeal that would've been embarrassing on a normal day.

I fell into conversation with my brother barely noticing that Harry had slipped out without explaining himself.

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