6: Coffee & Chaos

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Daphne was on to him

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Daphne was on to him.

He wasn't dumb enough to not notice. He put himself in this position and backing out seemed impossible. Well, technically it was. He couldn't miss his brother's wedding.

He also couldn't send Daphne home unless she fell sick which will equate to her father killing him.

Daphne stepped out of the bathroom in jeans, a bright pink tshirt and light brown slippers. Her dark hair was in a ponytail and sunglasses sat in her hair.

'Where are we going?' Harry inquired.

'Shopping,' she answered sitting beside him. 'After, I meet with the front desk and figure out what to get Talia and Darrell.'

'You don't have to. I got them something. So, I can just say you picked it out,' he said looking at his hands like they were the must interesting things in the world.

'It better not be ugly, Harold,' his eyes darted to her. 'Talia was already initiated into my friend group. I can't be judged for the rest of my life.'

'I won't judge.'

'Because you picked it.'

Harry took his phone out and searched it for a while before he stumbled upon his gift. Daphne took the phone and scanned it.

An all-expense paid trip to Greece, Italy and France. It was a month long and they got an extra week in Spain.

'You're a great brother, send mine a hand book,' She gave him back his phone. 'I still have to see the front desk.'

'Call them and get into bed with me.'

'Sleep sounds great but...'

'I don't want to sleep.'

She connected her eyebrows before realization hit her.

'Call them.'

'I want to go out.'

'That's what the party is for,' he was awfully  close. He tried not to lean in but it was impossible not to.

He had told her how he felt and she had not brought it up again. It hurt but it wasn't a no.

'Harold, you are being weird.'

'I told you how I feel.'

'Right before you gave me a deep dive about your last relationship.'

He gave it a thought. 'I see how that may seem...'



There was a knock on the door. Harry groaned. The urge to ignore it stirred in him but the knocking got more persistent. Harry excused himself before heading to answer the door. He was met with a shove.

Daphne rose from the bed just as Brandon stormed in.

'Did you fuck my girlfriend?' His question went unanswered till Daphne got in his way. 'Move.'

'Get out,' Daphne stood her ground.

'Your boyfriend hasn't answered my question.'

'Get. Out.'

'Or what?'

'Or security escorts you out and you miss your sister's wedding.'

Daphne hadn't seen Talia and Brandon's girlfriend at the door. Neither had Brandon when he pushed her out of his way which more than did it for Harry. Harry left Brandon on the floor after a single punch and rushed to Daphne as soon as he could.

'I'm fine,' she muttered as Talia scanned her face for any sign of hurt before exhaling dramatically.

'Is she okay?' Harry's eyes stayed on her.

'I'm fine, dipshit.'


'I'm not going to call you baby after your ex's boyfriend assaulted me,' Daphne spat which caused Talia to try and calm her down.

'I didn't assault you bitch.'

'Talia, I will put your brother behind Spanish bars.'

'Please don't,' Talia whispered, glaring at her brother who had gotten off the floor.

Brandon stormed out without another word. His girlfriend followed him, seemingly explaining something to him. Talia's gaze left Daphne to Harry. She gave Daphne a sad look before she left, closing the door behind her.

'What can I do?' Harry's voice was hoarse.

'Leave me alone,' Daphne didn't look at him.

'What did you want to tell the front desk?'

'I'll call them.'

Harry didn't want to leave her like that but he had to. He asked Talia to check on her before heading to the front desk.


It took Harry three hours to find Café Carmela. he had avoided two scams and a possible robbery. He saw the coffee sitting there in a fucking pyramid. He took a picture and sent it Donatello who confirmed that it was in fact what Ezra needed. He bought the whole pyramid and asked for it to be delivered to the hotel before buying a suitcase for them and taking a cab home.

Daphne was reading when he got back. Talia was no where in sight which was expected. He put the suitcase aside before approaching her. She didn't look up. Her eyes stayed glued to her book.

'Daphne,' he said.

'Please don't.'

'I didn't sleep with her.'

'That's not why I'm mad.'

'Why are you mad then?'

'Fuck off, Harry.'

He didn't but he didn't talk either.

The silence was uncomfortable for them both. He knew that.

'Is it because Brandon pushed?' He asked.

She huffed. 'Yes.'

'Should I punch him again?'

'No need. We have a bachelorette party to get ready for.'

'It's both.'

'Whatever you say,' Daphne murmured.

He reached for the tote bag that Café Carmela had gifted him which contained a mug, a tiny spinning thing that Harry couldn't name and two free coffees before placing it in her laps.

She gave the bag a confused look before realization washed over her. Café Carmela's signature dark purple had been printed on the body of the tote.

She looked in it and like an odd reflex, her head snapped in his direction. He shifted his weight under her gaze.

'You found it?'

'I did.'

She placed the bag on the coffee table, getting up as soon as she did. 'Thank you.'

'Anything for you.'

She hugged him and it took everything in him not to kiss her. Or try to at least.

If he knew coffee could get him a hug, he would've bought it months ago.

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