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Daphne's phone rang again as they entered their taxi

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Daphne's phone rang again as they entered their taxi. He knew that it was out of the blue because during their time in Seville or as Daphne always called it 'Sevilla', it had barely done that.

She finally took it out and checked the contact card.

'Mum,' she greeted in a bored tone.

He only heard Daphne's side of the conversation. It went on for countless minutes before she put the phone down and stared at New York, not saying anything to him.

'Baby?' He asked.

A response never came. Her mother's call had done something. She was fine till they left the hotel and eventually, Sevilla. She was talking and inquiring about him.

His likes, his dislikes, how it was working at the U.N. and his wants. She had also answered his questions and asked him to do a lot of things to her when they got home.

That Daphne was gone.

He summoned the courage to hold her hand in the elevator and followed her to her apartment out of sheer curiosity. Sleep was going to hit sooner or later. They had been up for most of the flight to avoid a nasty jet lag.

She put her luggage aside and moved to kick off her shoes which she struggled with before sinking to the ground.

He followed, crippled with worry as a sob broke out of her. She dug her nails into his arms, crying until she shook. He put her on his lap whispering anything that might soothe her.

It went on till she fell asleep in his arms, he put her in bed before calling her brother, he didn't pick.

His two calls went unanswered which pushed him to leave it till the morning. He contemplated leaving but found it unreasonable to leave her alone in that state. So, he joined her in bed, holding on like she'd disappear if he didn't.


He woke up before her and worry hit him all over again. Her phone rang seconds later prompting him to check who it was.

Dance Mummy Extraordinaire

He picked it.

'Good morning, Mrs Thompson,' Harry rolled out of bed and hurried to the bathroom, shutting the door.


Harry flinched. 'Yes Ma'am.'

'Where's Daphne?'

'She is still asleep.'

Vera exhaled and paused before she went on. 'Could you help me tell her that Sam is fine and she doesn't need to fly down here?'

'Okay, I will.'

She hung up and Harry returned to the room. Daphne still slept. He put the phone back and laid down. It was quiet for almost an hour before she finally moved.

Harry didn't take that as a sign to leave, he took it as a sign to talk. To ask how she was doing which he didn't right away, he didn't want to throw her into a spiral.

So, he whispered, 'Sam is okay.'

In a weak voice, she asked, 'he is?'

'Yes, baby.'

A sob broke out of her, filling the silence. He turned her and held on. Saying nothing, doing nothing. He knew he just needed to be there for her and he was. She fell asleep again which gave him a window to get somethings done.

He took his suitcase to his apartment which he left in pristine condition. He got in the shower once he had unpacked, washing the trip off.

He returned to Daphne's apartment and found her still in bed. He ordered takeout and crawled back into bed with her.

Her clothes were different which was a pointer that she had been up after he had left.

'Harold?' She asked.

'Yes, baby.'

'Az will be here in ten minutes. Could you get him, please?'

'From the lobby?'


He left and returned with a ferocious beast that insisted on being dramatic till they met Daphne in the kitchen. Az became friendly, wagging his tail and running in circles until he was in his mother's arms.

Harry had figured out who Sam was but never got around to asking about what happened. He stuck around her apartment for the rest of day. He even contemplated, other things.

Things he didn't wish to do till her dog was blacked out in his bed.

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