10: Ours

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'Sam has idiopathic cardiomyopathy,' I started. 'His heart is bigger than needed and it affects him sometimes. He was fine when we were younger but recently the complications have been more persistent.'

Harry listened with a lot of focus as I explained Sam's condition. He had asked about Sam after Az passed out in his doggie bed.

It had been a long day of planning my week and making up for all the time I had lost with Az.  Harry had stuck around, giving me my space for most of the time.

Sam hadn't had an incidence in three years and the internet wasn't clear on how long a person with his condition lasted.

I still hoped for the best because Sam was my sister's father, my mother's husband and father's best friend. He was family and losing him would have hurt.

'How is he?' Harry inquired.

'Alive and almost discharged,' I answered.

'I thought all that crying would have dampened your sense of humor.'

I rolled my eyes, 'Fuck you, Harold.'

He laughed, throwing his head back. I got scared that he may wake Az, leading me to put my hands over his mouth. He stopped, eventually. His stare got dark as his eyes shifted to my chest. I took my hands of him, sitting back down.

'When are you going to fuck me?' He whispered. I didn't have an answer for him, so I said nothing. He moved closer. 'Can I sleep here?'


'I'll be good. I promise.'

'I can't say the same for myself.'

He gripped the sheets. 'Say the word and I am yours.'


'Baby?' My heart skipped, I liked that he called me that.

'We can't.'


I looked away as Dean words echoed again. 'If we have sex, I won't be able to see you again,' I looked at Harry again.

'You want a one night stand?'

I said nothing, clenching my jaw.


'If you can't handle it then leave.'

He didn't say anything after that. He laid down on the opposite side of my bed, inviting me to so the same. I did. Guilt ripped through me as I held him. He wasn't Dean, I wanted to remind myself of that fact but I couldn't.

The lights went out and he held me back. He ran his fingers down my back, whispering how much he loved me.

'I'm sorry,' he whispered.

'I'm sorry too,' I whispered.

'You don't have to apologize.'

I kissed his shoulder, earning a groan. My hands reached for his length, meeting him hot and hard. I traced kisses up to his lips while he held still the entire time. His breath hitched as I took him out, attempting a hand job but eventually settling for my mouth once I had him on his back.

Harry watched under hooded eyes as I pumped him with my mouth. Reckless  moans escaped him. I kept my pace fast looking up at him till he came in my mouth. A shudder rocked his body as I took him out of my mouth and swallowed every last drop of his cum.

His breaths were still shaking when he sat and put me on my back. He took my shorts and underwear off. Harry looked at me and waited. It didn't line up until he said it,  he was waiting for permission.

'I'm not leaving this bed until you...' I got out before his lips clashed with mine.

'...until I what?' He whispered in between kisses against my mouth.

'Prevent my legs from walking,' I kissed him a bit and he picked up from there, kissing me like a man starved.

'You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.'

It sounded far fetched but I wasn't exactly in the position to disagree with him.


Two Years Later...

We got married in Florence.

I had seen the portion of the hotel that my mother had single handedly decorated for the wedding and it was all lilac and white. There were arches and other things that she didn't necessarily need to add.

I was wise to trust her with the main event, leaving the dress and shoes to me even though she still tagged along.

I opted for a 'trumpet' with lace sleeves, designed by Vera Wang.

My shoes were from Vera Wang and my jewelry was from my closet.

I didn't think I needed any more.

My father ugly cried when he saw me. It was worrying but I held the thought when my mother, Sam and Don cried too.

Phoebe told me I look like a hag which is very on brand for her but I can swear on my Abuela's good hip that there were tears in her eyes.

My dad and I were at the beginning of the white aisle when he stopped walking.

'Okay. So, I'm just checking in,' he started. 'Did you sign a prenup?'

I laughed at that. 'Yes, Dad.'

'Are you sure he's the one?'


He gave me a quick nod before facing the aisle.

'I love you,' I told him taking his arm.

'To the moon and back,' he responded.

The nerves kicked in as we approached the Harry and the officiant.

It hadn't been easy getting there. We had a talk the morning after we had sex. It was an hour long and it ended in him leaving, angry.

I cried till Az put his fur in my face, worried that I was going to go into another depressive state.

I fed him and returned to bed, unable to do anything. Harry knocked on my door after Az went to sleep and I went against everything in me to open it.

He didn't say anything before he kissed me, it was gentle and needy.

'I fucking love you...' he later said. 'And if I have to work for you, I will. No matter how long it takes.'

I gave him a small smile and he hugged me, running his hands down my back. The doubt still surfaced and I had to shove it back into its dark box every time.

He proposed a year later in my apartment. He left a sticky note in my kitchen that read: Az finally called me, Dad.

It didn't make sense until he came over that evening and went down on knee. His words meant everything and for once I believed them. More than I believed Dean's when he asked.

A lot more.

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