Part 3; Emperor

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For a few rounds of begging and crying, Li Xi Yue finally stood up and sat in her seat that Empress Dowager bestowed, she knew this matter would settled here and Empress Dowager would help them. What kind of method she used? Li Xi Yue would never care about it.

She was an Imperial Daughter first and used to all the practical things, who let her be the niece of Emperor and her father be the Emperor's brother of the same mother?

"Emperor is here!"

An announcement from the outside came, everyone stood up, she offered a small smile at her young brother while her younger sister being held by her wet nurse. Then they knelt down to received the Emperor.

Emperor Long Qi was in his early forties, slightly older than her father by a few years. The Emperor in a ten years old Li Xi Yue's opinion was good. He was sensible in gave the rewards and punishment and also just, those Officials and Noble families were satisfied in him and saw the future of their Lian Dynasty in his hands. In contrast, her father's conducts were foolish, maybe because Empress Dowager and Emperor shelter him since young.

"greetings to Imperial Uncle." she said, the Emperor who sat in highest seat finally looked down at the Xian Wang's children,

"oh, Yue'er is here with Qiu'er and Wan'er. Come closer to Zhen and let Zhen look at you."

For his various nieces and nephews from the Li Imperial Clan, Emperor Long Qi extremely fond of An He Junzhu. Maybe because she was the eldest girl among the younger generation and the Emperor held her when he was still a Wang Ye. Thus the favoritism she received, maybe cannot compare with the daughter of the Emperor but still better than other Imperial daughters.

Emperor saw how gentle and docile the girl's temperament and saw how she and her siblings wear the white mourning robes,

"Zhen hear that you are the one who looking after the Wangfu?"

An He nodded, "when Mufei still alived, she teached subject-niece how to run a household along with other few things that should be learned. This subject-niece still not capable making Imperial-Uncle see joke."

Emperor Long Qi revealed a smile and patted the girl's head "not joke. You are this smart making Zhen happy. If you are not busy come to palace more often to play with Qing He and let her learns a thing or two from you."

Li Xi Yue shaked her head and gave Emperor a curtsy, "subject-niece's ability only this, and still need to learn. How can Subject-niece compare to Imperial Younger sister in terms of talent?"

Emperor Long Qi nodded, "en."

Empress Dowager looked at the interactions with a calm face on the surface, Li Xi Yue was extremely intelligent and sensible child, compare to the Princess Qing He, who was only a little bit younger than her, it would be like compared a heaven to earth. Maybe because the situations in Wangfu really that bad to forced a young girl to be matured this quickly.

But it was better for a girl to be this Intelligent, this kind of girl, no matter where you put her would always lived a good life.


The Xian Wangfu's children went back. Not a week after they visited Empress Dowager's palace, there's triumph in the palace that the Emperor was so angry at his younger brother, Xian Wang, the reason? Because Xian Wang was so adamant to raised a daughter of a fifth rank official in the minister of Rites to be a new Wangfei. Everyone in Jian sighed at Xian Wang's conduct.

The original wangfei, Wangfei Zhang came from prestigious Duke's family, their family were the one who extremely loyal to the Emperor and country, their ancestor were with the founding Emperor, helped him founded this Dynasty and they hold 100.000 troops under them, how could a daughter of a small fifth rank compared? Apart from Wangfei Zhang, maybe only Empress Fang in the palace could compared to her family background. And Wangfei Zhang also already bore Xian Wang three healthy children, in normal household, there's no way a man could took any concubine especially if the wife already gave birth to di children, this Xian Wang's conduct was laughing stock in the whole capital.

Xian Wang came into Li Xi Yue's yard, the servants there were afraid of his demanor, he had this dark face while walking,

"Imperial Mother and Imperial Brother are too much!" he said entered the main hall, Li Xi Yue sat quietly on the side and observed him, she let servant girl poured tea into a cup and she personally presented it to him,

"Father-wang please don't get angry."

"how can benwang not angry?! They bullied people too much!"

Li Xi Yue saw that her father gradually calm down, she sighed inside, fortunately when she hear her father's loud footstep she let the wet nurses of both Li Xi Qiu and Li Xi Wan took her siblings into her chambers and let them played there.

"why can't they let Han-shi became new Wangfei?"

Li Xi Yue sighed again, this matter, of course, she looked at her foolish father and felt cold, gradually losing warmth a daughter should had to a father, in her opinion, her father was selfish, foolish and incapable at all, maybe because it was the late Emperor's grace that he could married her mother, looked at his stubborn demeanor now, she knew that if given a chance, her mother would never willing to marry him, what kind of scum man was this? She scolded her father in her heart.

"maybe Imperial Grandmother and Imperial Uncle know that Han yiniang's identity isn't enough to be a Wangfei."

"what's not enough? She already gave benwang a son!"

"she is a small fifth rank official's daughter." Li Xi Yue retorted calmly, there's hint of anger in her father's eyebrows, "i think instead of giving Han yiniang a Wangfei title, Father-wang must compromised with Imperial Grandmother and Imperial Uncle to give her a Cefei title instead."

There's a realization in Xian Wang's eyes, "yes, you are right!"


Zhen: Us/We; how the Emperor call himself in front of his subjects

Mufei: Mother-Fei

Cefei: a concubine rank bellow Wangfei

Yiniang: concubine

Gongfu: the Duke's House

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