Part 10; Calamity

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Xian wang entered her Yard after the Palace attendants went back to the palace,

"i already give our Wangfu's gifts to Eunuch Mu." she said, Emperor who drank tea quietly only nodded,

"you are the one who had the account books, and the sole decision maker in this Wangfu. It's ok to not report this kind of matter to Benwang," Xian Wang smiled at her, "you are Benwang's daughter after all, Benwang naturally believe in you."

Li Xi Yue smiled at him, "when Father-wang entering the Palace today, can you please visit A-Qiu and Xi Wan? They both missed you."

"with your reminder Benwang remember that Benwang hasn't meet them yet." Xian wang patted her head, "Aiaa, our family's Yue'er already so sensible and mature. No wonder many people praise you everytime Benwang go outside."

Li Xi Yue only smiled, "it's Father-Wang's grace."

"If it's not for your mourning period, Benwang afraid that matchmaker would come and make ruckus about your marriage since long time ago."

Li Xi Yue blushed, "Father-Wang teased me." Xian Wang laughed out loud, made Li Xi Yue pouted, "Father-wang!"

"ok ok, Benwang will not tease you anymore." he then stood, "Benwang will go now."

"eh, Father-wang, wait!" she stood up and came closer to him, she inspected the pouch that he wear, "that looks too old, change for new, i make it for Father-wang when i finished Emperor's gift." then she personally changed it for her father, Xian wang looked the new pouch, it was navy in colour that not too bright nor too plain, and there's words 'Fortune' embroidered in there, he smiled, who said that it was better to had a son instead of daughter?
At least his daughter is filial and virtuous, gentle and intelligent, it was better to spoiled a daughter than a son, if you pampered a son, he would turned out to be a brat, much like Emperor's.

He patter Li Xi Yue's head again, "benwang will go now."

Li Xi Yue nodded and curtsy towards him, she looked at his back then went back inside.


Li Xi Yue felt restless, so she let servants invited a monk and she listened to Buddhist scripture to calm her heart.

"this one look at Junzhu's fortune and see that Junzhu is very fortunate person in the future."

Li Xi Yue smiled, "i borrow Monk's auspicious words then." The Monks gave her bow,

"but before you can reach your fortunes, you will have unfortunate events first. This one hope Junzhu can be strong."

the monk then went away after Bai Xia gave him a pouch of money,

"nubi think that Junzhu shouldn't let those words affected your mood."

"we should always accept everything that happened in our lives, Bai Xia, be it a fortunate or a calamity." she said calmly then she went back to her yard.

There she practiced her calligraphy more.

Hours had passed, after Li Xi Yue ate her vegetarian food, she sat calmly and let her servants brushed her hair,

"Junzhu's hair always so beautiful." Yin Liu said, Hong Ying giggled at her,

"after brushing Junzhu's hair, i cannot help but detest my own hair."

"not only Hong Ying jiejie that detest your own hair, i am also." Ji Xia entered with a trail in her hand, prepare to take away Li Xi Yue's outer robe.

"Junzhu! Junzhu bad news!"

The movement stilled, everyone looked at Bai Xia who entered the chamber, "what happened?"

"Junzhu! Something happens to Wang Ye!" 

Li Xi Yue forced herself to be calm, "what happened?"

"the guards outside... The guards outside reported that Wang Ye has been assasinated."


Everyone were in shock when Li Xi Yue went outside,

"Junzhu wait!"

Her maid servants ran after her, Hong Ying grab hair brush and hairpins, then ran after her.

Li Xi Yue looked at the guard who gave her a bow with solemn expression, "What happened?"

"Junzhu, Wang Ye has been assasinated."

"is Father-wang ok?"

Li Xi Yue's lips trembled, she didn't know how many Gods she already mentioned in his mind, please let her Father be ok...

"Wang Ye cannot be helped. He passed away."

"no..." Li Xi Yue shook her head, her heart beat faster, she didn't care about her appearence nor dignity anymore, when she ran to the main door of the Wangfu, there's stood the captain of Wangfu's guards, when they saw her, they knelt in front of her,


"please..." Li Xi Yue didn't know why she begged, the reason why she begged, her body trembled when she saw the Imperial garrison that accompanied a carriage, "no..."

"Wang Ye!" she didn't know when Han-shi came, she stood there unmoving, only looked at the carriage that held the name 'Xian Wangfu', her lips trembled,

"Junzhu please your appearence..." her maids came to her, but she still unmoving, her face sickly pale, Hong Ying gritted her teeth, she took out the hairbrush and began to put Li Xi Yue's hair into a bun and secure it with jade hairpin.

She looked at Han-shi's wailing, no one looked at Han-shi except her maids, every guards and servants of Xian Wangfu looked at her,

"Junzhu... Your orders..."

Eunuch Qu, the chief Steward of Xian Wangfu bowed to her, the common people and Imperial Garrison along with Huai Wang that accompanied the carriage looked at her,

"i-" her lips trembled, she felt pressure in her, her hands were shaking so bad under her robes, her eyes blurry, "p-prepare..." she felt her heart shattered into pieces, "p-prepare for the..." even taking deep breath hurted her, "P-prepare for Wang Ye's funeral."

After said that her tears couldn't stop streaming down her face, she couldn't believe it, no, she refused to believe it, how could she believe it? The body that lie lifeless was there with her in the morning, he teased her only this morning, her father was there this morning, she looked at the navy pouch that she made especially for him. Why?

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