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༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ 1005 words  ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ

y/n: your name     y/n/n: your nickname


I looked back at kirk as i was holding in my tears from remembering what had happened only a few hours ago. Goddamn it, i wasn't going to cry right here, right now. So i resorted to holding the tears back and walking in the other direction towards james.

𝐲/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯:

As i reached james i guess he sensed something was wrong since he grabbed my arm closer to him and pulled me into a hug. 

"try not to think about him too much y/n/n, it'll only make it worse." James spoke as he let go of me. "kinda hard not to" I spoke as i smiled back.  "It's alright, what about a drink?" James offered. "i wouldn't mind that" i beamed as my mind wasn't focused on kirk anymore.

- timeskip to an hour later -

I was at a table with james and the rest of the band, meaning kirk was also there. I felt his stare on me but i wasn't going to give him the attention he wanted, i mean how hard can it be! ...okay nevermind, not glancing at least just once at him is maybe one of the hardest thing I've had to do.

Eventually i just gave up, I did glance at him but the one time i DID look at him...he was of course glancing right back at me. The glance turned into more of a stare since i just couldn't look away, i felt like i was being drawn to him. To be honest, i don't want stuff to end between us over this. I've known him for way too long that I've come to learn that nobody else can make me feel the way i feel around him. 

As we were continuously both looking at each other at random times, i had enough, i signaled for him to follow me as i stood up from the table and excused myself.

Once i got to the bathrooms i pushed kirk into one of the stalls and locked the door. "i-i'm sorry i just needed to get outta that area, it was kinda hot in there." I spoke up, brushing my hair away from my face. "no no i completely get you, it was a very uncomfortable heat, i think because it's like packed with people"

I smiled as he looked down and fiddled with his fingers like he always did when he got nervous, it was cute. I removed his hand from his other and placed it in mine. 

"um..i just want to get something off of my chest if that's okay with you..." i said as he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "you don't need to ask me, its not like we just met or something" He laughed as i smiled.

"um- okay- i feel really bad for invading your privacy and stuff but...this afternoon i was in my closet getting something to wear for tonight. And well...i heard some laughter coming from your house since my window was open. And well- when i walked up to my window i looked down to see you and a girl...sitting on your bed-" I spoke as i began to choke up on the last bit, i couldn't fight my tears anymore.

I bursted out into tears as i felt kirk firmly hug me. "i can explain everything....i-" He spoke as his voice cracked from the sorrow in his voice. "The girl was a girl named grace. She told me she could help with my science project since i didn't want to ask you because i felt like I've been asking too much of you recently. I led her to my bedroom to show her my project I've started on and it was all going fine until she asked me if i had a girlfriend or if i liked anyone. I told her no i didn't have a girlfriend & i didn't like anyone because if she found out that your my girlfriend, she would start hassling you or something even worse.

Basically she went off of that random topic and started actually helping with my science project which she said she would help me with, and she was actually quite funny to talk to, but eventually she went back onto that whole girlfriend topic which seemed so important to her that she just randomly leaned in and kissed me. I was frozen in shock, i didn't know whether to push her off of me since she was holding onto my hands pretty tightly.

I eventually got my hands free and pushed her off of me. I told her why she just randomly leaned in and kissed me without any warning or anything or even asking me if i wanted it. She was flushed and embarrassed and immediately apologized. She admitted to having a crush on me for a while and so she just took that risk on kissing me. I still felt uncomfortable around her after what just happened so i kicked her out of my house and laid back down on my bed and just cried. I didn't know what else to do at that moment.."

As kirk finished speaking i looked into his eyes as he shifted his glance to mine, i smiled at him and wiped away his tears as i leaned into him for a kiss. As soon as my lips touched his i felt a huge weight lift off of me. It was a feeling i forever want to feel. His hands rested on my waist as he smiled into the kiss and pulled away.

"I-i am so sorry, i will never get myself into any situation like that one ever again-" He spoke as i placed my finger over his mouth to shush him. "I don't need any apology...i just wanted to know if you were still mine..." I said as i whispered the last bit. Kirk smiled as he giggled and kissed me again. 

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i totally forgot i was meant to release a part 2 this week so this was rushed 💀


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